Rabu 05 Mar 2014 15:41 WIB

Personal Journey of Self Discovery

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Brandon Chia
Foto: Personal doc.
Brandon Chia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Brandon Chia, Chairman HDI Group of Companies

I think we all go through our personal journey of self discovery. Or self awareness.

Over the last year, I've set my own baseline. I've talked to friends about what our purpose in life is like. But all things considered, I believe our purpose in life is to exist. Be it our conscious state of mind, or be it our cells. We are made up of everything around us. It is not for our mind to fixate on the here and now, but to take it as a journey in a form we can comprehend for now. As a human being.

Now, given that our purpose is to exist, then there is no need for any dreams of grandeur. If our lifetime is transient, and it is compared to the span of the universe then what is important to us as individuals is the creation of our own universe as we know it. Which means how we affect the things and people around us. We can choose to live our lives as nasty people, or as good people, it doesn't matter really in the bigger scheme of things. But it does matter to the people who have entrusted their emotional well-being with you.

I decided that I would make 2014 the happiest year of my life. Why? On an objective level, everything is coming together. I still have my family with me. Will I be sad to see my parents gone? Hell yeah. But they are still with me. So rather than being sad in the future, I should seize the present and be thankful for what I already have. I've got great friends. And I'm grateful for it. So all things considered, what is there to be upset about? We all make our own choices. We walk our own paths. There is always something better out there, but that's all marketing. All that fuzz that people throw in your face to part with your money, another man made construct. The happiest place in the world will always be inside you, and you can determine if it happens for you or not.

Its not easy though. Trying to stay happy takes effort, just like any other thing. But I've learnt so much about myself, and I've also learnt so much about others. Enough to know that we should respect our fellow mankind, for we are one and the same. I can't think of any other conscious mammal or otherwise wage war against one another en mass. Killing each other not for food, but to prove a right or wrong. Our histroy is written not in the objective sense, but always from the perspective of the victor. Who is to say what is evil or good? who determines the morals of society? These are things that are too far reaching for me to comprehend. But if I can just change myself, my outlook, my own mind, then that's one less asshole out there in the world. :)

A happy tune is a happy tune. It cannot be mistaken cross culturally as a sad tune. It is the beat, the resonance, which affects our emotional state. And just like resonance, when human beings have an opportunity to resonate, then there is no need for words. Just a happy, light feeling knowing that there is someone out there that kind of understands you. Somewhat.

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