Selasa 22 Mar 2016 23:00 WIB

The ministers’ dagelan

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Rizal Ramli
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Rizal Ramli

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Amril Jambak

Quoting, Dagelan (the word originally from Java meaning slapstick) is kind of joke or funny scene. In Malay, it is dubbed “alan-alan”. Meanwhile in Jakarta’s dialect it is dubbed “bebodoran”.

Dagelan is one of traditional culture that is spontaneous. The performance of this art does not use any script or text pointing out a scenario but spontaneously improvising the conversation among the artists. It is based on a short story that then being developed by the artists on stage. The funny moments are created from the movement, speaking styles, or the content of conversation. Since it is a parody, realistic effect must be avoided.

In dagelan, a woman role is often played by a man. In a long theatrical performance, dagelan usually appears as a variation or for ice breaking. For example, if the drama has two scenes, during  the scenes shifting dagelan is usually played. Yet, there are sometimes full dagelan shows that can last for 4 – 5 hours consisting of 1 full scene.