Jumat 26 Aug 2016 18:13 WIB

Stay away from KNPB’s propaganda

Foto: Antara/Olha Mulalinda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: BR Rajo Nagari *)

National Committee of West Papua (KNPB), an organization campaigning for the right to self-determination for the people of Papua and West Papua provinces, denied allegations by Papua Police that supporters rallying on Monday had committed vandalism. KNPB head Victor Yeimo told The Jakarta Post Monday evening that the KNPB believed in fighting without violence.

Papua Police chief Insp. Gen. Paulus Waterpauw said Monday they arrested two people during the KNPB rally in Jayapura. “Both were arrested because they committed [violence], blocking the streets with wood, burning tires in the middle of the streets and damaging street vendors’ goods,” said Waterpauw.

The police reported KNPB staged a rally, marching 15 kilometers from Perumnas Tiga to the Papuan Council. Security apparatuses blocked them and Waterpauw said when the police blocked them, rally participants started throwing rocks at the police, burned tires and blocked the streets. “They have staged rallies that disturbed public order several times,” Waterpauw said.

Actually, KNPB to realize their mass rallies on August 15, 2016 was planned to be vandalism mass rallies because previously a number of a Papuan activist had been made a negative comment regarding to an edict demonstration in Papua which has been releasing by Regional Police of Papua since on 1 July 2016 to minimalizing the more frequent anarchist demonstrations in Papua, including those raising separatism issue.

Such release received mostly negative responses from various groups in Papua. The circular issued on 1 July 2016 contains the ban on protests and withdrawal of the permission from the police to the supporters of Papuan independence in Papua and West Papua.

I think a Papuan’s people doesn’t need to trust to KNPB because whatever mass rallies which is done to supporting a separatist movement or to urge the Indonesia government to fulfill their demand should be rejected. I think mostly of Papuan’s people are still enjoy to join to Indonesia moreover Jokowi’s administration has been taking a huge attention to build Papua since Jokowi’s had been sworn to be Indonesia’s President.

Different with KNPB’s stance, an indigeneous Papuan’s which is stayed in Merauke has been declared their loyalty to Indonesia at Tugu Pepera, Merauke. The statement of loyalty had been readed by youth prominent figure, Beni Kaize, the representative of a Papuan’s women, Adelia Sambalu, the representative of a Papuan’s national hero, Yeremies Papare and the representative of Merauke informal figure such as Eliy Lebehibiu and those event has been attended by the entire of Merauke residents.

They had been declared that all of circle in Papua was loyal to Indonesia and their had been rejected all of threats such as a political intervention from whoever and wherever which could be broken the unitary of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. Meanwhile, an indigeneous Papua’s informal leader who is also as a chairman of Barisan Merah Putih (BMP) of Papua, Ramses Ohee had been asserted that all of circle in Papua, especially Papua’s youth communities should be understand about Indonesia’s independence day.

“Indonesia’s independence including in Papua had been legally and accepted by United Nations since November 19 th, 1969, so that whoever didn’t allow to separate Papua from Indonesia.

I think the Regional Police of Papua were arrested KNPB’s supporters must be done because they committed [violence], blocking the streets with wood, burning tires in the middle of the streets and damaging street vendors’ goods.

However, the mass rallies which was done by KNPB, its should be ended with vandalism, chaotic or an anarchies, because if ones had been happened, their hope its could be the efforts to make an internationalization on Papuan issue would be done smoothly.

Related with KNPB’s “a bad intention”, the author has been inviting to all of circle in Papua didn’t support to all of KNPB’s action, because the Papua people must not trust to KNPB. Take care peaceful condition in Papua with stay away from KNPB’s propaganda.

*) The author is an indigeneous leader in West Sumatra. He concerned to Papua issues. Residing in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra

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