Kamis 06 Oct 2016 01:26 WIB

Success Story of National Sports Week at West Java Province

Chairman of National Sports Week XIX at West Java, Ahmad Heryawan. (Republika/Edi Yusuf)
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
Chairman of National Sports Week XIX at West Java, Ahmad Heryawan. (Republika/Edi Yusuf)

By: Ahmad Heryawan (Chairman of National Sports Week XIX at West Java)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, National Sports Week (PON) XIX event in 16 cities/regencies in West Java Province already completed shortly after author with Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi and  Indonesian Sports Council's (KONI) new chief, Tono Suratman, on Friday (9/29) night. Even though another homework the National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) XV is waiting to be held in Bandung, 15 to 24 October 2016, but we still have to express our gratitute as the PON XIX can be held with a number of special achievements.

The special achievements was summarized in "Catur Sukses" (four success) for not only the games run smoothly, but it also successfully full of new records. In the same time, the wheel of economy was rolling and the celebration was accountable and free from corruption.

Of course, it was not just a claim, the author will show several number of indicators. First, the successful of achievement. The most significant achievement was five records compared to PON XVII at East Kalimantan and PON XVIII in Riau! Five records including in the total of 153 records comprising of PON records 89, Sea Games 1, Asia 26, World 5, and 32 national records. It came from the branch weight lifting 3 records, weightlifting 7, athletics 15, shooting 16, paragliding 1, swimming 35, and diving 12.

It should be underlined, five world records were not achieved by West Java athletes, but from other provinces. Those are iroine ladies from West Kalimantan (Eka Komalasari in women's weightlifting the 47 kilograms category), Riau (Sri Rahayu the 84 kilograms category), East Kalimantan (Widari, two records in 47 kilograms category) and Lampung (Sri Hartati, women's weightlifting in 57 kilograms category).

Therefore, with the achievement of athletes from non-West Java, it break the assumptions host imposed all means. On the contrary, in some of potential sports, West Java athletes are not the winners. Two roller skating athletes has reached the finish line, but then disqualified. Even the water polo sport, West Java athletes got in second position after a loss to Jakarta.

In addition to the world record, the achievement can be seen the higher record compared to Riau PON XVII only the 147 records (PON 136, Sea Games 1, Asia 1, and the National 9). PON XVII at East Kalimantan in 2008 reached higher records, namely 176 records (PON 115, Sea Games 2, Asia 1, and the National 58) but no world records.

Meanwhile, West Java PON also led to the significant achievements of the previous with the emergence of many young athletes were capable to defeat their seniors, even made a record in the swimming sport. In fact, the PON data showed five youngest athletes (age range 10 years and 11 years) participated among others in the swimming, dance sport, and rollerblading. PON at West Java has raised hope

of achievements in the future.

In terms of the game, such as riot, especially reported in social media, was not as significant as it seems. It's because, from a total of 5,202 games, the riot only happened in 11 games, or just 0.2 percent. And the incident has been completed on the next day in the Chief De Mission (CDM) forum that prepared by PON committee with the Supervisory Board and Steering (Panwasrah) of KONI.

Dissatisfaction at the third highest forum and even only reached nine lawsuits or dropped from the previous PON event that reached as many as 41 lawsuits. For that, objectively, referring to the data above, major accomplishments achieved in the event this year.

Second, a successful of implementation. From meeting with CDM held two days before the closure event, all expressed satisfaction on the West Java PON, especially in the accommodation and transport aspects. We are all out in serving guests as a form of friendly to guests (someah ka semah). This year, PON committee set up 384 big buses, 507 medium buses, 222 small buses, 159 units of MPV, 68 units of double cabin, 34 vehicles of 2500 cc, and 36 units of vehicles of 2,000 cc.

For contingent accommodation, 9.265 athletes and 4,073 officials were stayed in 116 hotels in 16 districts/cities. Meanwhile, 10,228 executive sports committee placed in106 hotels and other non-hotel, and facilitated with excellent consumption.

There was only one game that was late from schedule, but it occurred due to force majeure. Success catagory measured with significant parameter can be seen from total cost of event. This time, though implemented were in 16 cities/districts with 44 sports (Rio de Janerio Olympic in 2016 only held 28 sports), the committee of PON spent cost Rp 2.4 trillion. Not just for PON, but also Peparnas.

It could be compared with cost for East Kalimantan PON as much as 4.6 trillion for 43 games in 2008 to 43 sports and in six cities. Riau Pon in 2012 spent Rp 2.2 trillion in 39 sports in nine cities. And the next PON in Papua 2020 estimated need costs as much as Rp 15 trillion.

It means, with a minimal budget we still can achieve optimal conditions. After PON, West Java Province has three stadiums with using FIFA standards (in Bogor, as well as the Bekasi City, and the Bekasi Regency), two modern SOR (Arcamanik and Jatinangor), horse racing with international standards in Legokjawa, Pangandaran, BMX venue in Ciamis, and many more. Therefore, the main aim of West Java Provincial Government developing human resources through sports have been implemented. So, it's our job, including the mass media, to oversee the venue so it will not be abandoned.

The West Java government is hoping all of the facilities can be useful to Indonesia, such as Pakansari Stadion, Bogor Regency; Patriot Stadion, Bekasi City, and Wibawa Mukti, East Cikarang. We invites central government, the Ministry of Sports and KONI to train their athletes in those sports facilities. For instance, in organizing the Asian Games 2018.

Third, populist economic success. During two weeks of PON, we held a major exhibition in 16 cities/regencies in West Java Province for small and medium enterprise. This exhibitions were held for three days over the weekends.

We also had "Kampung Atlet" (Athlete's Village) in all venue. At first, this bazaar was opened at 41 venue, but due to space limitation, we had to lessen it to 12. Beside that, we also considered the access to the location. We had to dismiss bazaar at the venue that was hard to reached by the people.

We also had final exhibition that was not supported by state budget. We held it in three different places in Bandung city, the front yard of TVRI's office at Cibaduyut, Pussenif PPI at Jl Supratman and Trans Studio Mall. Beside that, Dekranasda West Java also made PON XIX and Perpanas XV 2016 West Java official merchandises. We had bag, t-shirt, shirt, mug, key chain, and surili doll. Thirty crafters from all across West Java were involved in the making of those merchandises.

Four, administration success. The macro audit process is yet to be done. But, we are optimistic all the stages have been done accordingly. From the very first initial auction, it was monitored by BPK and BPKP.  That's why, we built new stadiums after there has been an approval from the state's audit agency (BPK) and Development Finance Comptroller (BPKP). No wonder if the new venues were completed up until September 12, 2016. We did not want to be arrogant, but Insya Allah, success of administration will be achieved by West Java.

Thank you. Although I can not explained in detail, the author as West Java Governor and Chairman of West Java PON, said his gratitude to all those who enable the achievement of the four parameters. Specifically, West Java Province thanked to athletes who have worked hard to return the supremacy of West Java as the overall winner after 55 years. More specifically, from the target of 181 gold medals, the athletes can providing up to 217 gold medals


Presumably, these should be a whip for us to keep the achievements, especially carrying the name of Indonesia in the international arena in the future and bringing West Java province to be champion again in the PON that next will be held in Papua. The author ends by taking lessons from the Quran Surah Al-Anfal verse 45, that if we win a battle/competition, it simply with the permission of Allah (God), not because of the dominant the expertise of the parties involved in this West Java PON XIX.

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