Ahad 13 Nov 2016 03:02 WIB

Questioning Political Actors Related to Rally Riots

Red: Agung Vazza
Personel TNI-Polri bersiaga untuk mengamankan kawasan Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, saat Aksi Bela Islam, Jumat (4/11), di Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
Personel TNI-Polri bersiaga untuk mengamankan kawasan Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, saat Aksi Bela Islam, Jumat (4/11), di Jakarta.

By : Otjih Sewandarijatun *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) should have been on a state visit to Australia this week, but instead spent the past two days visiting the country's armed forces and major Islamic organizations in a bid to maintain stability in the country amid public outrage involving blasphemy allegations made against the Jakarta governor.

The President was forced to postpone his visit to Canberra, scheduled for November 6 to 8, after more than hundred thousands people took to the streets in Jakarta to demand the prosecution of Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama for allegedly insulting the Alquran.

The rally which initially ran peacefully, turned violent after dark, leaving one protester dead and several police officers injured. Five HMI activists, including its secretary-general, have been charged with instigating the violence. In the past two days, the President has been scrambling to maintain national stability after the rally.