Senin 29 May 2017 13:18 WIB

Terrorist Threat and The National Defense System

Anggota Brimob melakukan simulasi penanganan terorisme di lapangan Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Kamis (4/2).
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Anggota Brimob melakukan simulasi penanganan terorisme di lapangan Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Kamis (4/2).

By : Lieutenant General (Ret) Soedibyo *)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, On May 24, 2017, Wednesday evening a group of terrorists had launched its action dramatically in term of the victims, beside two  suicide bombers also three Police members died, five Police members and five civilian members of the society were severely wounded. Definitely all of those wounded persons need seriously medical treatment in the Hospital.

This terrorist activity was done by two suicide bombers happened at a point close to a busy bus terminal located on a delicate position of Jakarta-Bogor main road, in the area called Kampung Melayu.   Because of this popular location, this terrorist incidence was rapidly spread out.

The Police  is concluding the explosion was caused by two suicide bombing done by two suicide bombers by the name of Solihin and Ichwan Nurul Salam. Solihin is the member of Darul Anshor Boarding School  in Poso.  Ichwan who is still 34 tears, lived in Bandung, West Jawa . Based on BIN information Solihin may  be also called Achmad Sukri. Police analysist  tend to conclude this terrorist attack  was organized by a group of terrorist which is leaning to ISIS. Accordingly it is  analyzed  that this bombing is a part of ISIS strategy to demonstrate its existence, though now ISIS in Middle East is in serious damage.

However various observers tend to analyze this terrorist activity is a tactical movement with the Police Post as the explosion target. This analysis is based on the fact on the victims to be a number of Police members being  killed  and of course this is a dramatic incidence  considering all those victims are young Generation in the Police Organization. This terrorist action is organized by the radical and  extreme  adventurer group  which is active in this area.

Though this terrorist activity was claimed by a certain group as a part of ISIS’s strategic operation but no confirmed indication was detected, Vice President Jusuf Kalla said that such kind of claim is usual hoax after any terrorist activity happened in Jakarta. President Jokowi  and Vice President Jusuf Kalla visited the place of bombing and were strongly indicating both national leaders to be seriously concerned to this bombing.

President Jokowi was  definitely not satisfy with the situation. He is looked likely of the idea that such kind of terrorist incident should be detected before and prevented  to do not  happen. President Jokowi likely thought the Intelligence organization and the Security Operational Organization should have been working to evaluate the situation continuously. Apparently this country has  various experience and credible Intelligence Organization and  Professional Security Unit especially founded to fight against the terrorist. 

It is clear the terrorist activity should not be eradicated using only Police and Military Operation but also all kinds of efforts to prevent the development of radicalism and stupidity among the society on the problem of terrorism. The Coordinating Minister of Political, Law and Security affairs concerning the bomb Explosion in Kampung Melayu  was trying to look for the escape hole complaining the handicap in eradicating the terrorist is actually the slow process of the making Law on Terrorism in the House of Representatives because  there were too many objections raised mainly because of the afraid  of the People that  such kind of Law on Terrorism will be miss  used and manipulated  to suppress the society. There are too many complaints to  the 88 Police Detachment on Anti Terrorism who is described as  too easily  kill someone suspected as terrorist. The slow movement of the members of the House of Representatives should be clarified with the publish  of the  Academic Paper clarifying what is the reason why a new Law on Anti Terrorism should be made.

BNPT was quiet and did not make any significant comment concerning the terrorist activity that just happened in Kampung Melayu Jakarta. This considered important organization in eradicating terrorism  was only calling the people that the spreading of the picture of the so sadistic wound of the victims concerned should be stopped, because the panic, the confuse and the afraid of the society affected by the terrorist bombing is also the terrorist objective.

Defense System Against Terrorist

However observers tend to realize the terrorism has become the actual threat of the country so a definitely perfect defense system against terrorist threat supported by powerful authority should be made to decide what is the national agenda that should be made to eradicate the terrorism. Observer believed it is apparently until now there is no clear agenda and planning what will be done by the country to counter the terrorist threat. Observers tend to suggest the Government a number of  ideas might be useful for the Government to  decide the policy to eradicate the terrorist:

The President should likely consider the Defense System Organization Against Terrorist Threat should be re-organized. In the United States of America, since President George W Bush it was founded the new Ministry called the Ministry of Home Security. This new policy  was inspired by the terrorist attack of the twin tower buildings in NewYork on September 11, 2001.  The mission of the Ministry of Home Security  are to design and to implement the national agenda to eradicate the terrorist threat. The United States  Government is of the opinion the terrorist threat against the US to have  been  mainly targeted to Strategic Objectives in the US. The development in thje US is definitely  the important reference  to be watched.

Meanwhile it is likely to fasten the making process of Law on Terrorism  in the House of Representatives The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Law and Security Affairs should likely compose the qualified Academic Paper  which is describing the clear, pertinent, accurate and complete considerations about the necessity to publish the firm Law on Terrorism to eradicate the terrorist threat. The academic paper is the important document supporting the Bill in making Law.  Based on this kind of academic paper it is hoped all the members of the House of Representatives concern will   easily understand all the clause put on the Bill on the Eradication of Terrorism.

BNPT is likely  as the active group of professional TNI officers to deliberate the idea to reorganize the Country Security Organization as the perfect  defense system against terrorism. People seriously need the perfect Government Command to face the terrorist threat,  comprising the description of the perfect situation, the  agenda and the concept of eradication operation and the preventive action against terrorist threat.

*) Political and security affairs observer.

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