Jumat 22 Jun 2012 17:03 WIB

Jakarta Fair, the heaven of Betawi culinary

Rep: Satya Festiani/Ira Sasmita / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Foto: Republika/Agung Fatma Putra
"Kerak Telor" seller line up outside the arena of Jakarta Fair in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. Kerak telor is traditional version of omelette.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Betawi, or famous as Jakarta, has many traditional foods. But sadly, the development of the city marginalizes its traditional culinary. The event Jakarta Fair 2012 tries to bring out the Betawi culinary to the visitors.

Every visitor can make this event, held until Juli 15, as an opportunity to taste wide ranges of Betawi culinary. Name one and you can find it in Rumah Betawi Stand belongs to Betawi Cultural Institution, in Hall D, Jakarta Fair Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

In this very stand, the visitors can satisfy their appetite on Betawi culinary extravaganza, such as bir pletok, dodol betawi, and telor goyang, and of course with affordable price. Dodol Betawi is only 20,000 IDR, while bir pletok is 25,000 IDR.

Other gastronomic delicacies, such as kue bangkit, telor goyang, akar kelapa, and rengginang are sold only for 15,000 IDR. "If it is not in Jakarta Fair, where can we find ulam rice or akar kelapa. We rarely find it," a visitor, Diani Ekawati (28 years), said.

The most wanted food in Jakarta Fair is kerak telor, Betawi traditional of omelette, a mixture of egg, sticky rice, and some spices. The price is also affordable. Kerak telor made from chicken eggs is 15,000 IDR and the one with duck eggs is 20,000 IDR.

The Marketing Director of JIExpo, Ralph Scheuneman, said there were 35 points of kerak telor sellers in the area of Jakarta Fair. "They can also sell kerak telor outside the area," he said.

Jakarta Fair is opened from 15.00-23.00 on weekdays and 10.00-23.00 on weekend. The visitors should pay 20,000 IDR from Monday-Friday and 25,000 IDR on Saturday and Sunday to enter the arena.




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