Rabu 23 Oct 2013 16:36 WIB

The newly formed tourist police will escort the climbers at Cartenz Mount of Papua

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol. M . Tito Karnavian bersama sejumlah Muspida melakukan tarian adat Papua kolosal yang membawa pesan damai dari timur Indonesia pada peringatan HUT Bhayangkara ke - 67 , di lapangan upacara kantor Gubernur Papua, Jayapura, Papua, Sen
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Chanry Andrew Suripaty
Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol. M . Tito Karnavian bersama sejumlah Muspida melakukan tarian adat Papua kolosal yang membawa pesan damai dari timur Indonesia pada peringatan HUT Bhayangkara ke - 67 , di lapangan upacara kantor Gubernur Papua, Jayapura, Papua, Sen

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA - Papua Regional Police will form tourist police force to escort the climbers who want to reach Cartenz's peak in Papua. Chief of Papua Police, Tito Karnavian said that tourist police force was expected to facilitate tourism in Cartenz mount which were dominated by foreign tourists.

To pursue the plan, Papua Police will work with local government. Tourist police officers will be deployed to Sugapa. They are equipped with English proficiency and also have special uniform.

"Hopefully, there are more climbers who want to see Cartenz's peak, which is still covered with snow this time," Karnavian said recently.

Papua Police also works with operator or travel agencies that handling route to the location. Many climbers have no license from National Police Headquarters to climb the mountain. It made Papua Police could not monitor their journey.

"If there is a problem, we can not directly handle it as there is no report," Karnavian added.

Operator with tour guides will be given basic knowledge about tourist police. Tourism operator will be police partner. To climb the Cartenz mount, climber must pay 10 thousand USD.

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