Kamis 14 Nov 2013 13:04 WIB

GnR guitarist loves Indonesian cuisine

Rep: Gita Amanda/Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Sate bebek Cilegon
Foto: Republika/Mg14
Sate bebek Cilegon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Guns N' Roses guitarist Ron Thal aka Bumblefoot comes to Jakarta. He will perform at Jakarta Blues Festival (Jakblues) 2013. In a press conference, he express that he loves Indonesian cuisine.

Bumblefoot is ready to meet his longing for Indonesian cuisine. He likes spicy dishes and wants to taste some nice foods, such as satay, gado-gado and cah kangkung.

Satay is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meat, served with a sauce. Gado-gado is an Indonesian salad of boiled vegetables served with a peanut sauce dressing, while cah kangkung is a kind of spinach stir fry.

"I love Indonesia's spicy food. I also like fresh and healthy food. Oh, I feel hungry now," Bumblefoot said recently.

The lead guitarist of GnR will perform on November 16 at Jakarta Blues Festival. Thal also shared his knowledge in playing guitar to a number of children and adolescent. 

"Music comes from a soul. Young Indonesian musicians can do the best," he said.

Music is a natural talent for everybody. For Thal, the important thing is to focus on each individual musical. Everything depends on someone who wants to look for inspiration to develop his talent. 

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