Jumat 29 Nov 2013 23:58 WIB

Foreign Ministry to conduct workshop on creative economy

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Marty Natalegawa
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Marty Natalegawa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Foreign Affairs Ministry will conduct a workshop featuring Indonesian ambassadors at Jakarta's Comic Cafe, Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan, on December 1, according to a press statement.

The Indonesian ambassadors in Helsinki and Seoul, as well as the country's DCM in Singapore are expected to speak at the workshop, which will take place during the "Indonesia Creative Products Week," or PPKI, the statement said on Friday (Nov. 29).

The workshop will focus on the theme "Technology, Talent and Tolerance to Improve Global Creativity." Speakers will explain the conditions and strategies adopted by different countries to develop technologies and talent for promoting the creative economy, the statement noted.

PPKI, which involves 17 institutions, aims to support the development of Indonesia's creative economy. The event has been held every year since 2007.