Ahad 28 Jun 2015 19:15 WIB

Bangka Belitung to develop cultural tourism

Foto: Indonesiatravel

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PANGKALPINANG -- The Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government will continue to develop cultural tourism as part of efforts to attract more tourists.

"We have many interesting cultural tourist attractions including a ketupat (rice cooked in coconut leaves) war ritual held ahead of the fasting month of Ramadhan," Head of the Culture and Tourism Office of Bangka Belitung Province KA Tajuddin said here on Sunday.

The other cultural tourist attraction is a cultural show performed by Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent, he said.

"We also have Malay religious culture such as the commemoration of 1st Muharam (New Islamic Year) at Kemjua, Kenanga and Nyelanding. I think we will continue to develop such cultural attractions in such a way that they will become interesting objects," he said.

Developing the cultural attractions will not only help preserve the culture but also attract tourists, he pointed out.

"We also have talked with gallery owners to find places or stages to hold routine shows. Such an event has been held every Saturday night in the Niur Melambai coast in East Belitung," he said.

He expressed the hope that other district and municipality in the province will also organize such an event. Almost all areas in the province have good places to organize the event.

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