Senin 10 Aug 2015 14:33 WIB

Indonesian tourism advertising 'invades' seven countries

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Arief Yahya
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Arief Yahya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Tourism continues to do a variety of ways to reach the target of tourist arrivals to 20 million people in 2019. One of the ways is to aggressively promote the tourism of Indonesia to several countries.

Minister of Tourism, Arief Yahya, said from July to December 2015, the ministry will ‘invade’ seven countries which were the highest number of visitor to Indonesia. Those seven countries are Malaysia, China, Australia, Japan, Korea and the Middle East.

“Through the media, we show the natural beauty, diversity of ethnicity, tradition of hospitality, culinary and warm smiles of Indonesia," said Arief Yahya, Monday (10/8).

In advertising, the Ministry of Tourism was applying the concept of DOT. Dot is the linkage between destinations (Great Bali, Great Jakarta and Great Batam), Origination (Top 10 countries of tourists who traveled to Indonesia), and Time (right timing).

"It should have been in the beginning of the year we launched a promotion, but we must follow all administrative procedures,” said Arief.

He said that the favorite destinations of foreign tourists in Indonesia were 40 percent Bali, 28 percent Jakarta, 24 percent Batam-Bintan, and only 10 percent of other cities, such as Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Medan, Makassar, Palembang, Manado and others.

"Those who diligently visit from year to year were Singapore, Malaysia, China, Australia, Japan, Korea," said Arief.

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