Rabu 12 Aug 2015 16:42 WIB

5,552 Indonesian cultural heritage will get copyright

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tri Rismaharini
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Tri Rismaharini

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Kacung Marijan, said that around 5,552 cultural heritages have been registered to get copyright in order to preserve the national cultures.

"There are about 5,552 cultural heritages to be patented include indigenous languages, arts, ceremonial activities and others that can be taken by other nations due to the communication or transportation," he said while attending the National Tradition Traces (Jatrenas), Tuesday (11/8).

He explained that we have to maintain the cultural heritages, so that it will not be taken by other countries. The copyright will also maintain the heritages from extinction.

"In the determination of cultural heritage, we have to pass three levels, namely national, provincial and city/district," he added.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, said the ethnic diversity, language, customs and cultural pattern must be maintained and preserved, especially by the younger generation.

"The nation's culture can be power for achieving the better country, so that if we are united, then the other countries would be reluctant," he explained.

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