Selasa 27 Oct 2015 12:13 WIB

Eat around the World in 'Jakarta Foodies Meet'

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Puri Orchard Apartment again will hold 'Jakarta Foodies Meet' (JFM) with the theme 'Eat Around the World in 4 Days'. In this event, the visitors can be a culinary adventure and taste foods from different countries for four days

It will be held on 24th and 25th October and then will be continued again on 31st October to 1st November 2015. Not only provides a variety of food from Japan, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, China, and Western, JFM also presents a variety of excitement through Halloween Costume Party on Saturday, 31st October 2015 and fireworks festival.

Culinary lovers in Jakarta will be spoiled by the concept that gathers a wide range of snacks and foods from various countries around the world. 90 tenants that will present in JFM has also been selected to ensure quality of flavor.

"We are very pleased and proud to be able to bring back Jakarta Foodies Meet at Puri Orchard, an alternative destination of culinary for Jakarta people to spend weekend," said Sales Manager of Puri Orchard, Christopher, in the opening ceremony of JFM, in Jakarta, Saturday (24/10).

After the success of the first JFM, he continued, he was sure the second JFM could exceed the previous achievement of 14 thousand visitors. In addition, to social media users, JFM will also be giving meal vouchers totaling millions of Rupiah and tickets to Hong Kong.

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