Kamis 10 Dec 2015 06:51 WIB

'Wonderful Indonesia' promoted in La Liga Spain

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Wonderful Indonesia.
Foto: dok kemenpar
Wonderful Indonesia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Promotion of branding 'Wonderful Indonesia' was now targeting a fan of La Liga in Spain. From 23rd September to 13th December 2015, digital board replacement with theme 'Wonderful Indonesia' could be seen in 10 top club matches, which were broadcasted in Asia-Pacific.

Countries that could see the promotion of 'Wonderful Indonesia' in digital board replacement were including China, Korea, India, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and of course Indonesia.

"In Europe, soccer is a lifestyle. Young and old, men and women, rich and poor, would be dressed in their favorite club attributes. Then, the merchandises were also sold, "said Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, in a press release, Wednesday (9/12).

Read: Indonesia promotes 'Wonderful Indonesia' in Mumbai