Senin 14 Dec 2015 16:17 WIB

Raja Ampat as new favorite tourism destination of French tourists

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Raja Ampat
Foto: Google
Raja Ampat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Ambassador to France Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan said, Raja Ampat in West Papua became one of tourism destination that attracted tourists from France.

"Raja Ampat is one of new favorites among French tourists besides Bali," said Hotmangaradja, in COP 21 Summit at Le Bourget, Paris, France recently.

He stated that the number of French tourists to Indonesia reached an average of 20 thousand people per month. The amount was ranked second after Germany, or largest than other European countries.

Increasing number of French tourists continued to be pursued through promotion of tourism destinations in Indonesia. Not long ago, he added, Indonesia also participated in tourism exhibition of International French Travel Market (IFTM) Top Resa in Paris on 29th September to 2nd October 2015.

In the exhibition, Indonesian pavilion has theme of "Wonderful Indonesia," which displayed Map of Indonesia with various attractions, such as "Pink Beach", "Komodo Island" and "Muaro Temple" in Jambi.

"Nowadays the number of tourists from France is likely to decline, that is why we improve promotion," he continued.

Number of French tourists in January to July 2015 reached 108,019 people or decreased compared to 2014 which reached 111,800 people.

Tourism Ministry was targeting 12 million foreign tourists to visit Indonesia in 2015. The Ministry was optimistic that the target could be achieved, given in December 2014 foreign tourist arrivals has reached 915,334 people.

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