Ahad 19 Jun 2016 05:34 WIB

Hello Kitty rides teaches friendship to children

Rep: MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: MGROL38

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Parents are able to take advantage of school holidays  in the preparation ahead of Eid Al-Fitr to walk with the dear children. Vacationing does not mean to always have fun but try spending some time off whilst providing education for your children.

Fantasy World, Ancol Hello Kitty Adventure offers rides for children. Interestingly, this ride that serve 8 minute of spectacle also teaches you on how to find new friends. The film is not only for girls but also boys.

"The film is about an adventure that teaches you how to find friendship around the world whilst on mission to look for crystal," said one of social media team PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, Taufiq Ashari to Republika.co.id recently.

Hello Kitty rides Adventure has extensive theatre with 200 seats. Uniquely, the seat will beep when occupied, whereas the size of the screen is commonly found in common theaters.