Kamis 25 Sep 2014 17:31 WIB

Oops... Buyers find new Apple iPhone can bend

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
'Bendgate' refers to bent iPhone6 (illustration)
Foto: Bussinesinsider
'Bendgate' refers to bent iPhone6 (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SAN FRANCISCO - Two new Apple products hit speed bumps on Wednesday: iPhone 6 Plus buyers discovered their phones can bend when placed in back pockets, and the company pulled its latest mobile operating system after reports of dropped cellular service.

"Bendgate," as the problem has already been dubbed on social media sites, is a reminder of 2010's "antennagate," when iPhone 4 users reported a design flaw that caused dropped calls.

Apple did not comment on the bending-phone reports. But it did announce that it was investigating reports of an issue with an update of its iOS 8 operating system and in the meantime had pulled the version designated 8.0.1.

The bendable-phone situation might prove particularly troubling for those who wear skinny jeans, according to reports on Facebook and Twitter. The phrase "Your pants are too tight for your phone" has already received hundreds of mentions.