The sandal thief must stay in the prison...
Meanwhile the high class corruptors can walk free..
only in this country.. you can see the hungry judge receive bribe with high quanty..
No one care about our farmer fate...
No one care about what, our poor people, will be eat..
They are removed...
on their way to find something that can be feed..
My dear judges...
I just want to say... If your eyes might be blind...
I wish your heart will opened...
I wish your decision will be concern...
to the truth...
to our people on the grass root...
I want to say deep in my heart...
Stop cry about your minimum salary...
what you gave.. that is what you get paid...
I wish you can be concern about humanity...
Once again... please listen the bottom of your heart
Stop transact our law with low price... only for your lust
Please open your heart.....
Fauzan Suhada, ST
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