Kamis 03 Mar 2016 15:53 WIB

David Hasselhoff Pastikan Gabung di Film Baywatch

David Hasselhoff
Foto: EPA
David Hasselhoff

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Apa jadinya film Baywatch tanpa David Hasselhoff?

Akhirnya David mengkonfirmasi keterlibatanya dalam film yang diambil dari serial televisi populer di tahun 90-an itu. Kini film Baywatch digawangi oleh aktor Dwayne Johnson.

Dalam video yang diunggah di halaman Facebook Dwayne, David terlihat sedang berbicara melalui video call. Ia mengatakan terlahir siap untuk ikut serta dalam film Baywatch.

Publik pun akan kembali bisa melihat David mengenakan bercelana renang merah. Dwayne mengatakan memang tidak akan lengkap Baywatch tanpa kehadiran David.

Film Baywatch berpusat pada sekelompok elite penjaga pantai yang diperankan Dwayne. Mereka harus bergabung dengan mantan perenang Olimpiade yang diperangkan Zac Effron untuk menyelamatkan pantai. Film ini sudah mulai shooting sejak 22 Februari lalu.

Disutradarai Seth Gordon, film ini dibintangi pula oleh Alexandra Daddario, Priyanka Chopra, Kelly Rohrbach, dan Hannibal Buress, dikutip dari Malay Mail Online.

It wouldn’t be a proper Baywatch movie without The Hoff, would it?

Well, the final piece of the casting puzzle is now complete, as David Hasselhoff has confirmed his participation in the Dwayne Johnson-helmed reboot of the cult 90s TV show.

In a video posted to Johnson’s Facebook page, Hasselhoff can be seen speaking via video call, saying he was “born ready” to take part in the movie.

It remains to be seen, of course, if Hasselhoff will be slipping back into Mitch Buchanan’s red Speedos, but whatever the case may be, Johnson was clearly pleased to have him on board, replying, “There ain’t no Bay, without the Hoff.”

According to reports, the Baywatch reboot centres on the leader of an elite group of lifeguards (Johnson) who is forced to team up with a young hotshot former Olympian (Zac Efron) in order to save the beloved bay. The movie began shooting February 22.

Directed by Seth Gordon, Baywatch co-stars Alexandra Daddario, Priyanka Chopra, Kelly Rohrbach and Hannibal Buress.

- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/showbiz/article/david-hasselhoff-confirms-will-rock-and-hoff-in-baywatch-reboot-video#sthash.UNS7qZJg.dpuf

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