Selasa 21 Feb 2017 10:24 WIB

Harry Potter Borong Penghargaan WhatsOnStage Awards

Rep: Gita Amanda/ Red: Esthi Maharani
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Foto: Independent
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Film Harry Potter and the Cursed Child terbukti menjadi hits di kalangan penggemar dan kritikus. Tak mengherankan jika akhirnya film ini memborong delapan penghargaan WhatsOnStage Awards.

DIlansir The Independent, WhatsOnStage merupakan penghargaan teater di Inggris yang pemenangnya dipilih oleh masyarakat. Film yang diangkat dari buku laris karangan JK Rowling itu memenangkan Best New Play, Best Actor in a Play, Best Supporting Actor in a Play, Best Supporting Actress in a Play, Best Direction, Best Set Design, Best Lighting Design, dan Best Video Design.

Berikut daftar lengkap pemenang WhatOnStage Awards:

Best Actor in a Play

Jamie Parker for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Actress in a Play

Billie Piper for Yerma

Best Actor in a Musical

Charlie Stemp for Half a Sixpence

Best Actress in a Musical

Amber Riley for Dreamgirls

Best Supporting Actor in a Play

Anthony Boyle for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Supporting Actress in a Play

Noma Dumezweni for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Supporting Actor in a Musical

Trevor Dion Nicholas for Disney's Aladdin

Best Supporting Actress in a Musical

Emma Williams for Half a Sixpence

Best New Play

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best New Musical

School of Rock

Best Play Revival

No Man's Land

Best Musical Revival

Funny Girl

Best Direction

John Tiffany for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Choreography

Andrew Wright for Half a Sixpence

Best Costume Design

Gregg Barnes for Disney's Aladdin

Best Set Design

Christine Jones for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Lighting Design

Neil Austin for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Video Design

Finn Ross and Ash Woodward for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Best Off-West End Production

The Last Five Years (St James Theatre)

Best Regional Production

The Girls (National Tour)

Best West End Show

Les Misérables


Equity Award for Lifetime Achievement

Cameron Mackintosh

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