Sejumlah siswa memakai topeng Capres-Cawapres peserta Pemilu 2014, saat aksi simpatik 'Damai Jelang Ramadhan', di SD Muhammadiyah 4 Pucang, Surabaya, Rabu (25/6).
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jelang penghitungan suara pilpres oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) pada 22 Juli mendatang banyak beredar SMS provokasi. Intinya, pesan yang disebarkan secara berantai menyatakan akan terjadi kerusuhan jika KPU memenangkan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa.
"Jika pesan provokasi tersebut dibiarkan kemudian dipercaya, ini bisa memicu konflik sosial," ujar penasehat pemenangan nasional Prabowo-Hatta, Letjen (Purn) TNI Suryo Prabowo, Jumat (18/7).
Menurutnya, pesan provokasi seperti itu sudah lama dan marak terjadi. Kepolisian pun diharap dapat bertindak menangkap si pelaku karena sudah meresahkan masyarakat.
"Teroris saja bisa ditangkap polisi. Masa pelaku begini saja tidak bisa ditemukan," ujarnya.
Ia menilai, pesan provokasi tersebut dapat mencederai pesta demokrasi dan merugikan Prabowo-Hatta. "Prabowo-Hatta paling dirugikan atas pesan provokasi tersebut. Seolah-olah Prabowo dalang atau penyebab kerusuhan itu. Diharap masyarakat jangan percaya pada pesan seperti ini," ungkap dia.
Menurutnya, pesan tersebut bahkan sudah menyebar dengan bahasa Inggris di kalangan ekspektariat di Jakarta. "Dalam pesan itu antara lain disebutkan, kerusuhan besar akan terjadi tidak lama setelah Lebaran. Karena capres nomor satu tidak akan mundur, lebih baik mati dari pada menyerah," bebernya.
Berikut beberapa pesan provokasi berantai seperti disampaikan Suryo:
Information from BAIS and BIN This information is coming from BAIS and BIN (with preference for nbr. 2) and is based on the situation as yesterday, a situation that is constantly evolving.
1. A lot of foreign intelligence (all parts of the world) is entering in Indonesia, dispersing to different parts of the country.
2. Negotiations between VIP, Nbr. 1 and 2 still ongoing. Seems that within the palace still can go two ways. For example if Nbr. 2 can accept Hatta to become part of his government (in order to protect VIP from his past) he might still go with Nbr. 2. At the same time he's seeding with Nbr. 1 to increase pressure on Nbr. 2 but also as an alternative solution to secure his retirement.
3. To make situation more complicated also within Golkar have rift now, with big part wants to support Kalla as preparation for 2019. It is believed that within a government JW-JK, JK will be able to hold the actual power.
4. Based on this situation it is expected that next week will see the start of some demonstration and riots but limited. Still they can be quite dangerous as the tugs have the command to kill, not to talk first. First target will be the Chinese.
5. Riots/demonstration might start based on different modus operandi, the most likely will be demonstrations against KPU and demonstrations pro-Palestine (organized by PKS and other Islamic Parties) demanding Indonesia to send the army and financial support to Palestine. This strategy can also be used if Nbr. 2 will be declared the winner.
6. Still it is expected that major unrest will occur short after Lebaran.
7. Nbr. 1 already indicated he will not back down, declaring he better die than give up.