Selasa 16 Jun 2020 17:03 WIB

Amitabh Bachchan Kenang Sushant Singh Rajput

Amitabh Bachchan terkesan dengan akting Sushant Singh Rajput di 'MS Dhoni'.

Rep: Farah Noersativa/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Aktor Bollywood Sushant Singh Rajput ditemukan meninggal di kediamannya di Mumbai, India akibat bunuh diri, Ahad (14/6).
Foto: AP
Aktor Bollywood Sushant Singh Rajput ditemukan meninggal di kediamannya di Mumbai, India akibat bunuh diri, Ahad (14/6).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Aktor senior Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan merasa kehilangan sosok juniornya di dunia perfilman India, Sushant Singh Rajput. Hal itu diutarakannya dalam unggahan di Instagram, pada Senin (15/6).

"Mengapa Sushant Singh Rajput? Mengapa Anda mengakhiri hidup Anda?,” tulis Bachchan dilengkapi dengan fotonya bersama dengan Sushant, dilansir di laman Indian Express, Selasa (16/6).

Rajput dinilai Bachchan merupakan sosok yang sangat cemerlang, terutama sebagai seorang yang berkarya di industri film. Bachchan juga menyebut filosofi mendalam dari pemikiran Rajput sulit dipahami atau diabaikan begitu saja.

"Bicaranya diukur .. seperti kehadiran layarnya," kata Bachchan.

Bachchan juga menonton ulang salah satu film yang dibintangi Rajput, yaitu MS Dhoni: The Untold Story. Dia memuji Rajput sebagai aktor yang baik dalam perannya sebagai pemain kriket kebanggaan India di film itu.

"Saya melihat karya lengkapnya di DHONI. Film itu berhiaskan momen-momen luar biasa dari penampilannya. Tetapi tiga momen itu saya kenang sebagai pengamat. Semuanya dilakukan dengan meyakinkan, tak dibuat-buat sehingga akan sulit bagi seorang analis kredibilitas untuk menyadarinya atau memberi perhatian pada sikapnya,” tulisnya.

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Why .. Why .. Why .. Why .. Sushant Singh Rajput .. why do you end your life .. your brilliant talent .. your brilliant mind .. laid to rest , without asking , seeking .. why .. .. his work was sheer brilliance .. and his mind even more .. many a time did he express himself in the depth of philosophical verb .. they that looked passed it were either in wonder or oblivious of its strength of meaning .. some wondered, some quibbled .. to some it was a subdued mirth .. subdued because , for it to be given lethargic ignorance, would have opened the caves of their own .. .. his speak was measured .. as was his screen presence .. .. I saw a complete work of his in ‘DHONI’ .. the film was dressed with remarkable moments of his performance .. but three of the moments ever remained with me as an observer .. they were done with such casual conviction that it would be difficult for an analyst of some credibility, to either notice it , or give attention to its bearing .. .. when he spoke or communicated , there was something of an inner value, which had remained unsaid , yet said in its covered all .. its a trait of excessive intelligence .. and when that takes a diversion from the highway , it invariably ends up against a road bloc - depressive , unwanted , and in belligerent frustration .. .. on one of my meetings with him , I asked him how did he manage to give that iconic shot of Dhoni hitting a six winning the International tournament , to absolute perfection .. he said he saw that video of Dhoni , a hundred times .. !! .. that was the severity of his professional effort .. .. he came from humble beginnings .. was a part of the 4rth line group dancers, that performed shows with Shiamak Davar , the ingenious talented choreographer of our times .. rising from those climes to where he was, is a story by itself .. excessiveness can often lead to extremes .. .. what kind of a mind leads one to suicide is an eternal mystery .. .. to end a most gainful life, is simply not permitted .. Ab

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Pria berusia 78 tahun itu lalu mengingat percakapannya dengan Rajput yang masih berusia 34 tahun itu. Dia masih memuji tentang upaya profesional Rajput.

"Pada salah satu pertemuan saya dengannya, saya bertanya kepadanya bagaimana dia bisa memainkan dengan sangat sempurna pukulan ikonik yang mengantarkan Dhoni pada enam kemenangan turnamen Internasional. Dia mengaku menonton video Dhoni itu seratus kali. Separah itu upaya profesionalnya," kenang dia.

Sushant Singh Rajput ditemukan wafat di kediamannya di Bandra, Mumbai pada 14 Juni. Dia tewas gantung diri.

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