Kamis 25 Mar 2021 09:19 WIB

Fire broke out in Matraman Jakarta, 10 people died

The five-door rented house in Matraman Jakarta was reportedly burnt down

Red: Elba Damhuri
JAKARTA'S FIRE: This photo is an illustration of a fire in Jakarta recently. On Thursday at dawn, a fire broke out in Matraman Jakarta and it was reported that 10 people died.
Foto: Fakhri Hermansyah
JAKARTA'S FIRE: This photo is an illustration of a fire in Jakarta recently. On Thursday at dawn, a fire broke out in Matraman Jakarta and it was reported that 10 people died.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --- A fire struck a densely populated residential area in Matraman, East Jakarta, Jakarta, early Thursday. Apart from burning rented houses, fires also caused casualties.

As many as 10 people died due to the intense fire in the densely populated settlement Jl. Pisangan Baru III RT. 06/10, Matraman, East Jakarta.

"The object that caught fire was a five-door rented house," said East Jakarta Fire Management Officer Gatot Sulaeman.

Gatot said the fire report was received at 04.50 WIB. He immediately fielded 14 units of fire engines to extinguish the fire.