Rabu 02 Jun 2021 16:27 WIB

Minister Siti Nurbaya releases Javan hawk-eagle into wild

The Javan hawk-eagle was released in the area of National Park TNGHS.

Red: Satya Festyiani
Siti Nurbaya melakukan pelepasliaran satwa Elang Jawa di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS) Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Selasa (1/6). Satwa Elang Jawa yang dijadikan representasi Burung Garuda Pancasila dilepasliarkan sebagai perlambang lahirnya Pancasila yang menjaga Bangsa Indonesia dari perpecahan.
Foto: Kemenhut RI
Siti Nurbaya melakukan pelepasliaran satwa Elang Jawa di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS) Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Selasa (1/6). Satwa Elang Jawa yang dijadikan representasi Burung Garuda Pancasila dilepasliarkan sebagai perlambang lahirnya Pancasila yang menjaga Bangsa Indonesia dari perpecahan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR — Commemorating Pancasila Day on June 1, 2021, Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya released Javan hawk-eagle into the wild in the area of Halimun Salak Mountain National Park (TNGHS), Bogor, West Java. The bird that becomes the representation of Garuda Pancasila was released as a symbol of the birth of Pancasila that keeps Indonesia from disunity.


At the same time, another eagle, which is Crested serpent eagle (Spilronis cheela), was also released by Deputy Chairman of Commission IV at the House of Representatives (DPR), Dedi Mulyadi. Both eagles were released as a way to increase the population of raptors/top predators in TNGHS.


The Javan hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) is one of the top predators in TNGHS. “What we can pick from this day, the birth of Pancasila, is that we released eagles or garuda to fly high and guard Indonesia,” Minister Siti said on her speech.


Minister Siti added, in the context of conservation, there are two most principal things that should become a guideline. The first is to maintain the balance of ecosystem. The second is to protect the wildlife within.


Dedi Mulyadi agrees on the importance of human in maintaining nature’s balance. As a Sundanese humanist, Dedi was touched by the government’s concern to maintain and take care of animals until they are ready to be released.


“I thank the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for keeping the forest that is very sacred to people on West Java and Banten. The forest is sacred because it is the habitat of Javan hawk-eagle that becomes the representation of Garuda Pancasila,” he said.


Dedi said that as a state symbol, the wings of Garuda cannot be broken. The birds also cannot be locked up. Let them fly freely so that they can live in tolerance with nature.


“Fairness for eagle is when eagle can fly freely in the forest,” he said.


Meanwhile, Director General of Natural Resources Conservation and Ecosystem (KSDAE), Wiratno, said the additional population of Javan hawk-eagles in conservation area is successful story of collaboration between conservation and people through routine monitoring and maintaining forest area.


The released Javan hawk-eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi)  is named Rahma, while the Crested serpent eagle (Spilronis cheela) is Gabriel. The forest in TNGHS is at good condition, especially for the habitat of Javan hawk-eagle. In 2020, two eagles were born. Then, three more eagles are born in 2021.


The releasing ceremony was also attended by Regional Secretary of Bogor, representing Regent of Bogor and heads of department, Special Staff to the Minister of LHK, official from echelon II of KLHK, Experts to the Minister of LHK, Head of West Java KSDA, Head of TNGHS, Head of Balitek Embrio, Police, and Director of PT. Indonesia Power.

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