Victims of the wicked
Rep: RYAN DANILO RADA 20.67.0020/ Red: Partner

. | Foto: network /RYAN DANILO RADA 20.67.0020
By: Ryan Danilo
As of June 30th, 2022, Ferdinand "BongBong" Marcos Jr. has become the 17th President of the Philippines, receiving mixed opinions from concerned citizens due to years of historical knowledge ignored.
Most Filipino citizens around the world dread on the idea of a tyrannical family going back into power after years of battles proving the Marcos family are nothing but irredeemable human beings. However, with the state of online information and journalism that is currently happening in the Philippines, it has come both as great shock, yet to no surprise that the main source to the victory of the Marcos’s was through ill-gotten means, of which were false information.
“There are a lot of factors to consider, another that we can consider is Political Dynasty. But their political dynasty is really tarnished. The very main aspect that gave them the advantage is misinformation. They proliferated misinformation which game them the advantage” says John Samuel Tamesis, fellow college student.
Even Vivian L. Santos, a teacher, and overseas Filipino worker (or OFW) who is currently working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, mourns on the idea of a Marcos coming back into power. Vivian Santos states that “His character will do the talking. The Filipinos made a bad decisions because to tales’ information, phony news, and the use of his name and wealth as a cover. The problems he wanted to avoid from the beginning were not taken into account by the Filipinos. The hazy platforms he gave us are an indication of the kind of leader he would be in the future. Compared to him, there are other leaders who are more sincere and capable. The thinking Filipinos were overpowered by those made decisions based on popularity and regionalism.
Students, teachers, OFWs, fellow everyday people, and even those who are in support of the BongBong Marcos are also affected by this. “Without a doubt, yes. Filipino migrants will always be influenced by Philippine politics. Current events always have an impact on our lives as OFWs. For example, the current exchange rate, which the peso has reached its high level in many years, is a red flag. It indicates that our currency’s purchasing power is not as strong as it once was. With the rice in commodity prices, OFWs will need to remit more to keep up with the inflation” says Vivian Santos.
Not only that, but concerns of a brain drain in the Philippines has come to rise. A process wherein the intellectuals of one country seemingly decrease due to lesser and lesser opportunities. But with Marcos on the seat of power, not only is a brain drain less likely, but people have varying motivations to stay just for the sake of the country. According to John Samuel Tamesis, initially, he would agree with the idea that a brain drain is likely, but due to the disparity of the Filipino people, most are hoping that he would amount, or at least do his job properly.
When asked if the brain drain was less likely to happen due to the Filipino people fighting for the sake of the country, John Samuel Tamesis simply responded with “I think it’s most likely due to that, but I am also hopeful that many others like myself are hoping that he would do his job correctly. But right now, it’s mostly because the Filipino people are fighting”.
However, those who seem to be in favor of BongBong Marcos winning seem to think otherwise. When asked on what he thinks of BongBong’s victory and if he thinks that BongBong is a capable president, source person, alias Bertugo Agapito Batumbalak said that “Yes, he would be a capable president because on how he addresses every campaign to unite as a Filipino citizen to address the current problems of the Philippines and he inspires every family to help ourselves as a Filipino to not be in such current state of life”.
Although it is safe to say that those who are in favor of BongBong Marcos are not affected, it is purely assumptive to think that the repercussions won’t be doubled to them when the time comes. Filipinos around the world are both mourning and are in collective fear for what comes next in the future of the Philippines. Filipino citizens both living under Philippine soil, and living outside of Philippine soil are also questioning their collective safety, not just as an individual fighting against corruption, but as a citizen who has lived through numerous, historical battles that questioned the integrity of their identity.
As of now, no drastic decisions have been made since the start of BongBong Marcos’s presidential campaign. With that said, his lack of proper political experience, and lack of economic knowledge continues to shake the economic state of the Philippines. With daily amenities getting more and more expensive, gas prices sky rocketing, and even the value of the Philippine Peso decreasing, the lack of proper judgement made by the current President BongBong Marcos is both astounding, and expected to say the least. Most Filipinos feel that what waits for the future of the Filipino people is a grim reminder that injustice has won, and misinformation has become the norm.