Kamis 09 Feb 2023 12:16 WIB

Sebelum ke Konser Westlife, Ingat-Ingat Lagi Lirik Lagu Fenomenal 'Flying Wihout Wings'

Westlife akan mennggelar konser pada Kamis (9/2/2023) di ICE BSD City, Tangerang.

Rep: Umi Nur Fadhilah/ Red: Qommarria Rostanti
Grup boyband Westlife memiliki banyak lagu fenomenal yang masih menjadi hit hingga saat ini, salah satunya Flying Without Wings. Berikut lirik lagu Flying Without Wings. (ilustrasi)
Foto: EPA
Grup boyband Westlife memiliki banyak lagu fenomenal yang masih menjadi hit hingga saat ini, salah satunya Flying Without Wings. Berikut lirik lagu Flying Without Wings. (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Grup vokal asal Irlandia, Westlife, akan menghibur penggemarnya di Indonesia pada Kamis (9/2/2023) malam dengan berbagai lagu fenomenalnya. Salah satu lagu ikonik grup beranggotakan Shane, Nicky, Mark, dan Kian itu adalah “Flying Without Wings” (1999).

“Flying Without Wings” adalah single terlaris keempat boyband asal Irlandia ini, baik penjualan berbayar maupun penjualan gabungan di Inggris Raya per Januari 2019. Dalam sebuah film dokumenter yang ditayangkan di UTV berjudul Westlife Back Home, Shane mengatakan “Flying Without Wings” mungkin lagu terbaik dalam karier grupnya.

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Berikut ini lirik lagu “Flying Without Wings”:


Everybody's looking for that something

One thing that makes it all complete

You'll find it in the strangest places

Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children

Some find it in their lover's eyes

Who can deny the joy it brings

When you've found that special thing

You're flying without wings


Some find it sharing every morning

Some in their solitary nights

You'll find it in the words of others

A simple line can make you laugh or cry


You find it in the deepest friendship

The kind you cherish all your life

And when you know how much that means

You've found that special thing

You're flying without wings


So, impossible as they may seem

You've got to fight for every dream

'Cause who's to know

Which one you let go

Would have made you complete


Well, for me it's waking up beside you

To watch the sunrise on your face

To know that I can say, "I love you"

In any given time or place


It's little things that only I know

Those are the things that make you mine

And it's like flying without wings

'Cause you're my special thing

I'm flying without wings


And you're the place my life begins

And you'll be where it ends

I'm flying without wings

And that's the joy you bring

I'm flying without wings

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