Sabtu 05 Aug 2023 18:10 WIB

Mantan PM Pakistan Imran Khan Ditangkap Polisi

Khan telah didakwa dalam serangkaian kasus sejak digulingkan dari jabatan PM.

Rep: Dwina Agustin/ Red: Friska Yolandha
 Imran Khan, former Prime Minister and head of opposition party Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), talks with journalists during a press conference at his home in Lahore, Pakistan, 03 August 2023. The Toshakhana case against the PTI chief has sparked controversy as he challenges the jurisdiction of the court and alleges bias of the judge. He seeks the transfer of the case and the reinstatement of his right to defense. The case revolves around the accusation of concealing gifts received during his term as prime minister. The Election Commission of Pakistan lawyer presents arguments, highlighting the discrepancy in asset declaration. The Supreme Court also hears the case, emphasizing the importance of fairness and accountability in public office.
Imran Khan, former Prime Minister and head of opposition party Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), talks with journalists during a press conference at his home in Lahore, Pakistan, 03 August 2023. The Toshakhana case against the PTI chief has sparked controversy as he challenges the jurisdiction of the court and alleges bias of the judge. He seeks the transfer of the case and the reinstatement of his right to defense. The case revolves around the accusation of concealing gifts received during his term as prime minister. The Election Commission of Pakistan lawyer presents arguments, highlighting the discrepancy in asset declaration. The Supreme Court also hears the case, emphasizing the importance of fairness and accountability in public office.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LAHORE -- Polisi Pakistan menangkap mantan perdana menteri Imran Khan di Lahore pada Sabtu (5/8/2023). Pengadilan memvonisnya tiga tahun penjara karena menjual hadiah negara secara ilegal.

"Polisi telah menangkap Imran Khan dari kediamannya. Kami mengajukan petisi terhadap keputusan di pengadilan tinggi," kata pengacara Khan Intezar Panjotha.

Baca Juga

Kepala Polisi Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamiana membenarkan penangkapan itu. Dia mengatakan, politisi itu dipindahkan ke ibu kota, Islamabad.

Media Pakistan menggambarkan polisi mengepung kediaman Khan di Lahore setelah vonis dikeluarkan pada Sabtu. Tidak ada tanda-tanda kerusuhan dalam beberapa jam setelah penangkapannya, tidak seperti Mei lalu.