Senin 16 Oct 2023 05:52 WIB

Nahdlatul Ulama: Boycott of Israeli Goods is a Peaceful Jihad

NU hopes that the boycott will reduce Israeli attacks on Palestinian people.

Rep: Fuji Eka Permana / Red: Hasanul Rizqa
Pro-Palestinian march in Semarang, Central Java, on Friday (13/10/2023).
Foto: Antara/Makna Zaezar
Pro-Palestinian march in Semarang, Central Java, on Friday (13/10/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — One of the chairmen of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) H Ahmad Fahrur Rozi provided comments regarding the issue of boycotting Israeli products. He, often called as Gus Fahrur, said that trading with non-Muslims, including Jews, is permissible according to the Islamic law (sharia).

However, Gus Fahrur added, Israel continues to commit atrocities against the Palestinians. Therefore, some Muslim scholars recommend that Muslims should not buy Israeli products. That kind of boycott, he said, could be considered as a peaceful jihad in this modern era.

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“This (boycott) method, carried out en masse by the entire international community, especially Muslims, is believed to be effective in suppressing the Israeli economy and forcing them to enter into peace negotiations with the Palestinians,” Gus Fahrur told on Sunday (15/10/2023).

Gus Fahrur appreciate if one does not buy Israeli products and prefers to buy other products, let alone domestic products with the intention of helping the struggle of the Palestinians. He or she who performs that act will receive rewards from God.

Gus Fahrur also said that Muslim all over the world should offer more prayers and support to Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation. He also hopes that the boycott will have an impact on the economic strength of Israel, thereby reducing the escalation of Israeli attacks on Palestinian people. However, he acknowledges that there are still some exceptions.

“It is still permissible if a Muslim still wants to buy Israeli products, for quality and other reasons and, at the same time, not to support Israeli colonization,” said Gus Fahrur.

Elsewhere, Secretary of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Assembly (Majelis Ulama Indonesia/MUI), H Miftahul Huda associates the call for avoiding Israeli products with resisting the Zionist forces whose clutches “have dominated the Islamic world.”

Huda asserts, in warfare, attempts to attack not only carried out with weapons but also through narrative. “One of those attempts is conducted by boycotting or withholding imports from certain countries, especially those countries are hostile to one of the Islamic countries,” Huda said.

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