Senin 23 Oct 2023 07:38 WIB

The Presidential Election Is Near, What Stock to Invest?

The telecommunications sector benefits during the democratic occasion.

Employees activity near a screen displaying the combined share price index (IHSG) at PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) office in Jakarta, Thursday (24/8/2023).
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Employees activity near a screen displaying the combined share price index (IHSG) at PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) office in Jakarta, Thursday (24/8/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Time like these is considered a good opportunity for investors who want to invest in the Indonesian stock market.

Senior Portfolio Manager, Equity, PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia Caroline Rusli, CFA, said that this is taking advantage of conditions while the Fed has not changed its interest rate policy direction. In addition, the Indonesian stock market offers a low valuation with positive domestic economic fundamentals.

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change in the Fed's more accommodative stance would be a game changer for markets, both for stock and bond asset classes. “Ahead of the end of the year, the acceleration of government spending and the distribution of election budgets are catalysts that can push the Indonesian stock market further higher, "Caroline said.

Then, what sectors are used to provide maximum savings?

Sectorally, says Caroline, MAMI has a positive outlook on several themes.

First, telecommunication services. Defensive sectors that benefit from a favorable competitive situation, stable top-line growth space and campaign finance beneficiaries through increased public spending will be pulsed.

Second, financial services. The more positive outlook is particularly on the big banks that can still get funding with low interest charges while the cost of credit continues to improve.

Third, green energy. Capturing structural growth in the field of renewable energy. The transition to the decarbonisation era is favourable for Indonesia which is rich in commodities used in new renewable energy technologies.

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