Rabu 25 Oct 2023 21:07 WIB

Tiktok CEO Wants to Meet Indonesia President, Investment Minister: Don't Monopoly Business

All permits must pass Online Single Submission under Ministry of Investment.

Rep: Iit Septyaningsih/ Red: Lida Puspaningtyas
Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia answered reporters' questions in Jakarta, Wednesday (25/10/2023).
Foto: Republika/Iit Septyaningsih
Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia answered reporters' questions in Jakarta, Wednesday (25/10/2023).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Minister of Investment or Head of the Investment Coordination Board (BKPM) of Indonesia, Bahlil Lahadalia reminded Tiktok not to conduct a business monopoly in the country. The statement was in response to TikTok's announcement that it would apply for an e-commerce license to continue TikTok Shop's operational.

“It's for TikTok, if it's medsos (social media) then stay medsos, don't monopolize the commerce as well,” he told reporters after attending the BNI Investor Daily Summit 2023 in Jakarta, Wednesday (25/10/2023).

He added that if it wants to apply for a license as an e-commerce, Tiktok must meet a number of conditions according to government regulations. Even so, he said, permission would not be granted immediately.

“We'll see if some are okay, some aren't,” he said.