Jumat 27 Oct 2023 14:21 WIB

Indonesia Finally Launched Halal Industry Master Plan for 2023-2029

Masterplan has four main strategies and supported by 11 main programs.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Lida Puspaningtyas
Wakil Presiden Maruf Amin bersama Gubernur Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo dan Menkop UKM Teten Masduki menyalakan lentera sebagai seremoni pembukaan Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) ke-10 tahun 2023, di Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Kamis (26/10/2023). Pelaksanaan ISEF ke-10 tahun 2023 tersebut mengangkat tema Accelerating Sharia Economy and Finance through Digitalization for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. ISEF ke-10 ini diselenggarakan mulai 25 hingga 29 Oktober 2023 dengan rangkaian kegiatan terdiri dari seminar bertaraf nasional dan internasional, business matching, showcase internasional, dan eksibisi serta bebagai kompetisi. Melalui penyelenggaran ISEF ke-10 ini diharapkan menjadi momentum untuk semakin memperkuat upaya mengintegrasikan pemikiran dan inisiatif seluruh penggiat ekonomi syariah dalam pengembangan ekonomi keuangan syariah Indonesia.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Wakil Presiden Maruf Amin bersama Gubernur Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo dan Menkop UKM Teten Masduki menyalakan lentera sebagai seremoni pembukaan Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) ke-10 tahun 2023, di Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Kamis (26/10/2023). Pelaksanaan ISEF ke-10 tahun 2023 tersebut mengangkat tema Accelerating Sharia Economy and Finance through Digitalization for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth. ISEF ke-10 ini diselenggarakan mulai 25 hingga 29 Oktober 2023 dengan rangkaian kegiatan terdiri dari seminar bertaraf nasional dan internasional, business matching, showcase internasional, dan eksibisi serta bebagai kompetisi. Melalui penyelenggaran ISEF ke-10 ini diharapkan menjadi momentum untuk semakin memperkuat upaya mengintegrasikan pemikiran dan inisiatif seluruh penggiat ekonomi syariah dalam pengembangan ekonomi keuangan syariah Indonesia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia Halal Industry Master Plan (MPIHI) 2023-2029 was officially launched at the opening ceremony of Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) 2023 at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Thursday (27/10/2023). MPIHI 2023-2029 was made by collaboration of the ministries/institutions members of KNEKS, chaired by President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo.

“Finally, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially opened the 10th ISEF in 2023, and launched the Indonesian Halal Industry Masterplan 2023-2029, and the application of One Waqf Indonesia,” said Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia as Daily Chairman of the National Committee of Sharia Economy and Finance (KNEKS), KH Ma'ruf Amin.

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MPIHI 2023-2029 carries the tagline “Halal Industry for a Sustainable Economy”, in accordance with the development of world conditions and the direction of Indonesia's economic transformation. This masterplan aims to contribute more on global sharia economic growth. As Indonesia is part of the global participation in the future, to achieve the grand vision of “Making Indonesia the Center of the World Halal Industry”.

The purpose and goal of MPIHI 2023-2029 aligning the mandate of the national development plan contained in the annual Government Work Plan (RKP), the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), and the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN). It is to support the achievement of the Golden Indonesia state vision in 2045.

“With the inclusion of halal industry development in the national development plan, Indonesia halal industry is expected to grow even better, as well as strengthen Indonesia's position in the global halal market,” Ma'ruf said.

There are four main strategies in MPIHI 2023-2029. First, by increase productivity and competitiveness, then the implementation and strengthening of policies and regulations, strengthening of finance and infrastructure, and, strengthening halal brand and awareness.

The four main strategies are also supported by 11 main programs, and indicators that will be monitored regularly. Currently, halal industry covered in MPIHI 2023-2029 is divided into two, the core halal industry and the flourishing halal industry.

Indonesia's core halal industry consists of food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, along with related services. The flourishing halal industry consists of modest fashion, Muslim-friendly tourism, and a sharia creative economy.

Now Indonesia has the vision, road map, strategy, program, and indicators outlined in MPIHI 2023-2029, It is expected the comprehensive strategic guide will strengthening halal industry. Indonesia hope to having it more in impact on creating quality jobs, to finally increasing Indonesia's contribution to the global economy.

In the future, it is also expected that there will be strong synergies between all elements of the Indonesian nation. So with all party work together, they managed to accomplish the great ideal, to make Indonesia the center of the world halal industry.

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