Senin 06 Nov 2023 10:40 WIB

Constitutional Court Presidential Verdict on The Thread

MKMK on Tuesday will read the verdict of the Court judge alleging ethical violations.

Rep: 97,559/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) Jimly Asshiddiqie leads the preliminary hearing on alleged violations of the code of ethics for constitutional judges.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) Jimly Asshiddiqie leads the preliminary hearing on alleged violations of the code of ethics for constitutional judges.

JAKARTA — The Honorary Assembly of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) on Tuesday (7/11/2023) will read the verdict on the case alleging violations of the ethics of the Court judges. However, the MKMK ruling is not believed to touch on the substance of the Court's ruling some time ago regarding the age limit lawsuit of the president and vice president.

Former MKMK chairman I Gede Dewa Palguna said that MKMK's ruling cannot change the Court's ruling. MKMK, he said, had no authority to overturn a case ruling that had been struck down by nine constitutional judges.

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“MKMK should indeed not enter into the Court's ruling. The authority of the MKMK is in relation to (alleged) violations of ethics and the rules of conduct of judges as stated in Sapta Karsa Hutama,” Palguna told reporters confirmed by Republika on Sunday (5/11/2023).

Palguna explained that the MKMK's authority is limited to the imposition of ethical sanctions against the judges of the Court if proven to be in violation. It takes the form of a mild sanction (verbal reprimand), a moderate sanction (a written reprimand), or a severe sanction (dismissal not with respect). “Or maybe MKMK made a new creation regarding this sanction because Prof. Jimly was happy to make a breakthrough, but remained in the ethical area, not entering into the Court's ruling,” Palguna said.