Kamis 23 Nov 2023 16:23 WIB

Baznas Humanitarian Team Arrives in Cairo to Support Palestine

Baznas also conducted MoUs with a number of philanthropic bodies in Egypt.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
BAZNAS RI Humanitarian Team visits Cairo, Egypt, as a show of support for Palestine.
Foto: Dok. BAZNAS
BAZNAS RI Humanitarian Team visits Cairo, Egypt, as a show of support for Palestine.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Board of Zakat (BAZNAS) stated its readiness to cooperate with a number of philanthropic institutions in Egypt, as a form of humanitarian support for Palestine. The readiness was marked by the arrival of the humanitarian team led chief Noor Achmad, as Chairman of BAZNAS RI on Tuesday (22/11/2023).

The arrival of the BAZNAS RI team in Cairo was welcomed by Chief Representative of KBRI Cairo, Lutfi Rauf and his staff and recipients of the BAZNAS Al Azhar Scholars Scholarship at the KBRI Cairo Office, before signing a MoU with a number of philanthropic institutions in Egypt. In his speech, Noor conveyed the purpose of the BAZNAS RI team's arrival in Cairo, Egypt, one of which is to cooperate with a number of philanthropic institutions to support humanitarian aid to Gaza Palestine.

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“This year's visit was amazing. In addition to launching the BAZNAS Scholars Scholarship (BCB) Al Azhar Force 4, this visit also intends to provide assistance to Palestine through cooperation with several philanthropic institutions in Egypt,” Noor said in on Thursday (23/11/2023).

BAZNAS brought humanitarian team to successfully distribute aid from Indonesians to the Palestinian people. “Hopefully our synergies with the agencies in Egypt can ease the burden of victims of Israeli attacks in Palestine,” Noor said.

On that occasion, Chief Representative of KBRI in Cairo Lutfi Rauf welcomed the arrival of the newly arrived BAZNAS RI team from Jakarta. He said that the support of the Indonesian people towards the Palestinians is urgently needed.

“Thank God, the BAZNAS RI team has reached Cairo, Egypt safely. We say ahlan wa sahlan to the BAZNAS RI team who came all the way from Indonesia to Egypt just to help the brothers in Palestine,” he said.

Lutfi said that the packing of aid carried out by BAZNAS RI was one of the best and was appreciated by many parties. That, he said, was one of the reasons Indonesian aid could soon enter Gaza.

“Among the things that make it smooth is the right packing. Packing model carried out by BAZNAS can be an example if later there is a return delivery by plane. Aid via BAZNAS includes those that have escaped Israeli checks and entered Gaza,” Lutfi said.

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