Kamis 30 Nov 2023 19:40 WIB

Indonesia Marine Force Deliver Food and Drink Aid to Palestine

Clean water crisis experienced by Gazans in Palestine.

Indonesia marine force distribute aid for palestine.
Foto: Dok Republika
Indonesia marine force distribute aid for palestine.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Indonesia Marine Force is working with private parties and local governments to distribute humanitarian aid to Palestinians who are victims in the Gaza Strip. The aid will be brought in the form of food and especially mineral water which is currently desperately needed by Palestinians.

One of the aid that will be brought is Le Minerale, mineral water produced by PT Tirta Fresindo Jaya. These assistance products are centered at the Fleet Command Pier (Koarmada) II Surabaya, East Java and have been ready to be deployed using KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat

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Commander of Indonesia Marine Force, Admiral Yayan Sofiyan, expressed his gratitude to Le Minerale given the need for water, one of which is mineral water in the form of bottles or gallons that are ready for consumption.

“Because the infrastructure conditions there, we see in the media, our brothers and sisters there need life-support assistance, one of which is clean water, water that is worth consuming. There is already Le Minerale, a national product mineral water, an Indonesian product, which has provided the help of mineral water in bottle and gallon packaging, clean water that is ready and worth consuming,” he said.

“Today, we will provide assistance to Gaza in the form of local Indonesian products. The products that we will bring have been selected according to the needs of Palestinians, including children and families, among which are mineral water, biscuits, chocolate drinks, and some other products.“

The products that will be brought are contributions and support from private parties as well as local governments, in this case the government of East Java Province.

“We thank Mayora in this case Le Minerale for participating in supporting this humanitarian mission. Aid to Gaza with the AL military. Of course, the TNI AL itself cannot move without the support and cooperation of other parties. But of course, we also carry out verification of the products to be distributed, giving preference to products of national production and belonging to native Indonesian companies. This is solely what we are doing, on behalf of Indonesia,” he said.

This aid was collected and concentrated at Koarmada II Pier in Surabaya to be carried using KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat -992 headed to Kolinlamil Pier of TNI AL Jakarta and then continued on its way to Gaza waters, Palestine. “Hopefully this humanitarian aid that has been collected can go well to help our brothers in Gaza, because the products that we are going to bring, are currently in great need of them, especially mineral water products,

” he continued.

The clean water crisis prompted Le Minerale to help Palestinians, especially in Gaza, to get decent drinking water. Therefore, Le Minerale welcomes the invitation and trust of the AL military. This assistance is a tangible manifestation of Le Minerale's commitment to humanitarian and social values


“We are deeply empathetic and moved by the humanitarian crisis taking place in Gaza, Palestine. As a 100 percent national product, Le Minerale will support the Indonesian government's efforts to ease the burden of our brothers in Palestine especially in meeting the needs of mineral water or drinking water worth consuming,” said Febri Satria Hutama,

Marketing Director of Le Minerale.

Le Minerale supports the various efforts made by the Indonesian government for Palestine. In this regard, Febri also hopes that this assistance can arrive safely and be well received by residents in Gaza in particular. “The remoteness does limit our company's desire to provide more meaningful assistance, but we hope that from this little help, Gazans can smile and feel very helped,”

he concluded.

While in this shipment, there are rocks from the people of East Java through Jatim Province, Jatim Police, Kodam V Brawijaya.


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