Rabu 06 Dec 2023 19:30 WIB

Vice President KH Maruf Amin Presents Strategy for Developing Productive Waqf

Vice President Maruf Amin encourages development of productive waqf.

Waqf Innovation Illustration
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Waqf Innovation Illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said there are a number of strategic steps that can be taken to develop a more productive waqf and support community empowerment.

“First, encourage the transformation of waqf development towards waqf as a pillar of national economic growth and resilience,” said the Vice President in his speech at the National Coordination Meeting of Indonesian Waqf Agency (Rakornas BWI), in Jakarta, Monday (4/12/2023).

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The Wapres stressed the importance of forming a healthy, professional and accountable ecosystem of national representatives to further enhance the trust of representatives and the wider public.

The Vice President encouraged the National Committee for Sharia Economy and Finance (KNEKS) to continue to work in synergy with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, BWI, and all stakeholders, especially so that the National Waqf Road Map 2024—2029 can be adopted as a reference and followed up with quick wins programs for the short to medium term.

“I ask KDEKS, which has been formed in 24 provinces, to be involved in synergy with the Provincial BWI and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, so that this process can be accelerated and more massive. Similarly, synergies with law enforcement in the resolution of representative legal disputes need to be improved,” he said.

Further to the second step, the Vice President asked the Minister of Religious Affairs to initiate a revision of the Waqf Law in order to support the realization of the transformation of national representation.

“Strengthening and harmonizing national waqf regulation is also extremely important to support the development of a solid waqf digital ecosystem and optimize the synergies of interagency waqf empowerment,” he said.

Thirdly, the Vice President requested that the collection of waqaf money, including social investment through the wakaf sukuk, which is useful for financing social programs and community empowerment, be intensified and expanded.

According to the Wapres, the collection of waqf money can target potential sectors, such as ministries/institutions, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), local governments, and universities.

“In addition, strengthen efforts to improve the competence of the waqf managers and increase the literacy of the wider community, involving all stakeholders,” the Minister said.

Closing his direction, the Vice President hopes that the forum can be best used to discuss breakthroughs for modern and productive waqf management.

“Hopefully, this National Coordination Meeting of Indonesian Waqf Agency results in recommendations on waqf management and strengthening of a more professional and modern waqaf ecosystem, and further contribute to improving the welfare of the community,” he said.

On that occasion BWI Executive Board Chairman Mohammad Nuh reminded BWI's challenges ahead. One of the challenges he reveals is the pursuit of lagging behind, not only the number of waqf assets, but also the institutional aspects and innovations of the waqf instruments.

In addition, there is still homework to continue the certification process towards the 204,001 uncertified waqf lands.

“Continuing the process of certifying the competencies of representatives and stakeholders, and amending the Waqf Act to accommodate aspects of digitization, empowerment of waqf, and institutional foundations of central and regional BWI, is also a challenge,” said M. Nuh.

On this occasion, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Secretariat of the Vice President Ahmad Erani Yustika and the Special Staff of the Vice President Masduki Baidlowi.

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