Kamis 07 Dec 2023 22:51 WIB

Assalam Fil Alamin Scholarship Recipients Must Come Homeland to Build Indonesia

1241 people from various institutions received ASFA scholarships.

Chairman of ASFA Foundation General Syafruddin received a souvenir from scholarship recipients in Jakarta on Wednesday (6/12/2023)
Foto: ASFA
Chairman of ASFA Foundation General Syafruddin received a souvenir from scholarship recipients in Jakarta on Wednesday (6/12/2023)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — About 50 scholarship recipients of the scholarship of the Amil Zakir Institute Infat and Sedekah (Lazis) Assalam Fil Alamin (ASFA) and 70 community leaders gathered in Jakarta on Wednesday (6/12/2023). They get a dispensation from national figures related to and involved in nation-building in the institutions they serve.

Successful scholarship recipients completed their studies at Al Azhar University of Egypt, Darussalam Gontor University, Sultan Agung University of Semarang, and a number of other campuses. The level of study they achieve starts from bachelor to doctorate. They are part of a total of 1,241 ASFA scholarship recipients who are now studying at various universities at home and abroad.

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In accordance with the agreed commitments, they are obliged to return to the institution where they serve. There they will educate the santri to become superior human resources. Later they will realize Indonesia Gold 2045.

Chairman of the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) Prof. Dr. Noor Achmad is optimistic that ASFA scholarship recipients will spread inspiration and bring positive changes to build the country. “The total number of scholarship recipients is 1,241 people. If each one moves a thousand people to good, then there will be one million two hundred and forty-one thousand people who will move their hearts to build this country, certainly having a very strategic effect,” Noor said.

It supports the ASFA scholarship program, which requires beneficiaries of the program to return to the agency where they serve. Under the ASFA scholarship, Noor will oblige thousands of BAZNAS scholarship recipients to later return to the Homeland and engage in development in their respective neighborhoods. It is intended to accelerate national development which has an effect on economic growth and improved social welfare.

Head of Tebuireng Jombang Boarding School KH Abdul Hakim Mahfudz appealed to ASFA scholarship recipients to care for the nation. Amidst the various limitations of the time, the students were able to carry out the strategic work of eliminating the colonization.

“The key is unity, all community must be united in vision to build Indonesia, a nation that is a place of various wisdom and traditions. We were colonized for 350 years, but the culture of tahlil, shalawat, dzikir, persists still. This is the Indonesia we live in,” said Gus Kikin.

He also appealed to ASFA scholarship recipients to act as scholars of the past did. Continue the fast of David, the Monday and Thursday fasts, and other sunnah practices. Because the willingness to practice the worship of the Sunnah will lead this nation to greatness and wisdom coloring the civilization of the world.

Gus Kikin appreciates ASFA's strategic work. It believes that charity in the form of Indonesia Emas 2045 scholarship program will be rewarded with abundant kindness.

Chairman of ASFA Foundation General Syafruddin explained that from the beginning of the institution he initiated, all elements involved were committed to build human resources. Scholarship programs are not only for learning and improving the capacity of individuals. More than that, there must be a commitment to build Indonesia. “Since Indonesia will be a highly regarded country in the world, its human resources must be strong and will later promote Indonesia's name in various regions,” added the Deputy Chief of Police of the RI in 2016-2018.

Lazis ASFA Chairman H. Muchlis Hasyim appealed to all ASFA scholarship recipients to practice the three virtues. The first is to pray at the right time in a congregational manner. The second is devotion to parents. “Returning to the institution where you serve is a form of devotion to parents, asking for parental prayers, and caring for parents,” Muchlis said.

Third, try hard in the way of God. Its form takes the form of solemnity educating the nation's next generation and self-actualization according to their respective professions. “We do all three for the love of God. If God is already in love, then what we aspire to will be easily realized and we will always be under the protection of God,” the preacher said.

Lazis ASFA Vice Chairman KH Anizar Masyhadi explained that some ASFA scholarship recipients studied medicine at a number of universities at home and abroad. “They will move health services in various boarding schools and provide many benefits for the continuity of education in the country,” Anizar said.

This event was attended by a number of national figures. They are the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Lazis ASFA General Mas Guntur Laupe, Head of Pesantren Darunnajah KH Dr Sofwan Manaf, Head of Pesantren Al Ikhlas Taliwang Sumbawa Barat KH Dr Zulkifli Muhadli, Head of Pesantren Al Ikhlas Kuningan KH Dr M Tata Taufik, and Secretary General of Gontor Alumni Forum Dr Anang Rikza Masyhadi.

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