Kamis 14 Dec 2023 21:38 WIB

Baznas Kulon Progo Delivers IDR 250 Million in Palestinian Aid

Palestinian aid is channeled through Baznas RI.

The National Zakat board (Baznas).
Foto: Dok. BAZNAS
The National Zakat board (Baznas).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Zakat Board (Baznas) of Kulon Progo District distributes IDR 250 million in humanitarian income for Palestine through Baznas RI, as a form of concern for the Palestinian community.

The distribution of humanitarian income for Palestine was handed over by the Deputy Chairman of III Baznas Regency Kulon Progo, Agus Nuryanto, Head of Baznas RI for Distribution and Outreach, Saidah Sakwan at Baznas RI Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (13/12/2023).

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The head of Baznas RI for Distribution and Outreach, Saidah Sakwan thanked the people of Kulon Progo for the humanitarian assistance. He said the aid was urgently needed by people in Palestine.

“Alhamdulillah, thank you to the people of Kulon Progo who have channeled humanitarian income through Baznas RI. This assistance is very meaningful and needed by the Palestinian people because it requires the presence of all of us there,” Saidah said, citing a written statement on Thursday (14/12/2023).

Saidah insists that, in accordance with the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia does not tolerate colonization of any kind. Moreover, he added, the damage done in Palestine is beyond human humanity and has never happened in any country.

“So indeed this is something that we must support the struggle of our brothers in Palestine. Thank God, the entire Indonesian community continues to provide support to the Palestinian people from prayer, moral assistance, and funds,” he said.

Baznas is working with three leading Egyptian institutions, Mishr Al Kheir, the Egyptian Red Crescent Society (ERCS), and Bayt Zakat Wa Shadaqat to channel humanitarian aid to Palestine through Egypt.

“Thank God Baznas together with Mishr Al Kheir have funneled logistical aid of 12 container trucks to Palestine via Egypt. Why from Egypt? For Egypt is the only door opened by Israel through the Rafah Gate,” he said.

Although it was opened, Saidah said, the distribution of aid to Palestine was not as easy as imagined, because it was necessary to pass 12 check points. At the first check point it takes four days. Then, from the first check point to the Rafah Gate takes at least seven days.

“Trucks that have entered the Rafah Gate are still being checked again by Israel at a place 40 km from the Rafah Gate to determine whether they can proceed or not. If you continue, a new 40 km turn can be reached. So if you count one truck takes 15 to 20 days of travel,” he said.

“Not to mention looking for trucks that want to bring aid to Palestine. Not everyone wants to bring help because the Rafah Door is not always opened. So how hard is it to funnel aid into Gaza. How exhausted we are today is nothing less about the struggle of our friends in Gaza,” he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of III Baznas Kulon Progo Regency, Agus Nuryanto expressed his gratitude to Baznas RI for choosing to assume responsibility and trust to channel aid from Indonesian people to Palestine.

“Thank you to Baznas RI for facilitating the distribution of aid from the Indonesian people to Palestine. This task is certainly not an easy task given that humanitarian tragedies in Palestine are not ordinary tragedies,” he said.

“Due to the conditions that occurred in Palestine, finally in some areas of Kulonprogo there were acts of concern. From some of the things that have been done, we have finally collected money amounting to Rp250 million, which we handed over through Baznas RI,” he said.

Agus confirmed that Baznas Kulon Progo still continues to open the collection of humanitarian aid for Palestine until the end of December, which will later be re-channeled through Baznas RI.

“After the delivery of aid through Baznas RI, we still opened the fundraising until the end of December, so there is still an opportunity for people who want to channel their sustenance as a form of care for the Palestinians,” he said.

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