Senin 15 Jan 2024 17:50 WIB

Rumah Waqaf Distributes Aid to People in Bandung

Wakaf House also distributes grocery packages for elderly dhuafa in NTB

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Wakaf House in cooperation with Bandung City Social Services Department distributes 25 packages of groceries to Social Welfare Service Employees (PPKS). This is an effort to strengthen the contribution to poverty alleviation, which involves Rumah Waqf as a philanthropic institution (nazhir) together with government agencies.
Foto: dok Rumah Wakaf
Wakaf House in cooperation with Bandung City Social Services Department distributes 25 packages of groceries to Social Welfare Service Employees (PPKS). This is an effort to strengthen the contribution to poverty alleviation, which involves Rumah Waqf as a philanthropic institution (nazhir) together with government agencies.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Rumah Waqaf in cooperation with Bandung City Social Services Department distributes 25 food packages to Social Welfare Services (PPKS) officials. It is an effort to strengthen contributions to poverty alleviation, involving the Waqf House as a philanthropic institution (nazhir) together with government agencies.

“Thanks to the Waqf House, we have received the prayer. We will distribute this food to PPKS. May the Waqf House become more successful,” said Yayah as Social Extension Madya Madya of Bandung City Social Services.

Baca Juga

Sri Hastuti, a resident of Margacinta City Bandung, is one of the beneficiaries of PPKS built by Dinsos Bandung. Sri has had difficulty walking for four years because of a fall.

But Sri always tried not to give up, and made a living by sewing in the midst of his limitations. “For the people out there who are as fortunate as I am, don't give up. To the House of Waqf and Dinsos of Bandung City, thank you for the service. Sembako means a lot in alleviating my daily needs,” Sri said gratefully.