Sabtu 13 Apr 2024 23:52 WIB

Tourist Visits Increased by 130 Percent During Lebaran

Lebaran is a momentum increasing the area's native income.

Visitors enjoy the natural tourist atmosphere of Ciboer Pass in Bantaragung village, Sindangwangi, Majalengka, West Java.
Foto: Antara/Dedhez Anggara
Visitors enjoy the natural tourist atmosphere of Ciboer Pass in Bantaragung village, Sindangwangi, Majalengka, West Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAJALENGKA -- The Department of Tourism and Culture (Disparbud) of Majalengka, West Java, estimates that the number of tourist visits to 10 popular tourist destinations in its region increased by 130 percent during the Eid holiday 1445 Hijriah/Lebaran 2024.

“We predict tourist visits will increase, assuming the increase during Lebaran 2024 reaches 130 percent compared to a typical day,” Majalengka Disparbud Chief Ida Heriyani said in Majalengka on Friday.

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This increase can be realized because such popular destinations are always visited by tourists every Lebaran holiday. Particularly domestic tourists coming from the city and surrounding countries.

According to him, the popular destination consists of natural tourist attractions, such as Curug Cipeuteuy, Curug Muara Jaya, Terracing Panyaweuyan, Paralayang Gunung Panten, to Situ Cipanten.

“A popular tourist attraction such as the Panyaweuyan Terracing, there is a unique and beautiful agricultural landscape belonging to the citizens, thus inviting tourists to come. The location is also close to Mount Ciremai,” he said.

In addition, Ida mentioned several artificial destinations such as waterboom and campsites in her region will be packed with visitors during the Lebaran holiday this year.

From the results of the monitoring, he said, some of the popular destinations began to be crowded with tourists who come to spend vacation time with their families or just see the natural panorama in those places.

“From our calculations, during this holiday moment the highest number of visits can occur in Situ Cipanten with the number of 39,090 tourists. Meanwhile, the Panyaweuyan Terracing has 13,993 tourists,” he said.

In order to deal with the surge of tourists, Disparbud Majalengka has also prepared means of supporting and improving the governance of the tourist attraction so that people feel comfortable and at home during their vacation in their region.

He hopes that tourists vacationing to Majalengka, can return after the joint Eid holiday ends, so tourist visits continue to increase.

“Tourists who are coming to Majalengka are urged to prepare everything, so that the vacation time in the tourist attraction is pleasant,” he said again.

sumber : Antara
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