Selasa 23 Apr 2024 14:39 WIB

BRI Care Program, BrinITA Empowering Woman in Environtment Contribution

The BRiNita Program has currently been implemented in 21 locations in Indonesia.

BRI melalui aktivitas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mengambil bagian dalam mendukung peran wanita melalui berbagai macam program pemberdayaan yang secara nyata mampu mendorong kesejahteraan wanita Indonesia. Salah satunya melalui penyelenggaraan Program BRInita (BRI Bertani di Kota).
Foto: Dok. BRI
BRI melalui aktivitas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mengambil bagian dalam mendukung peran wanita melalui berbagai macam program pemberdayaan yang secara nyata mampu mendorong kesejahteraan wanita Indonesia. Salah satunya melalui penyelenggaraan Program BRInita (BRI Bertani di Kota).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Tough women are not only measured by speed, firmness, and their spirit of living life. The privileged woman, also measured by her full support of the family, the full attention to the child, can even help the family economy. Women also take on many roles to contribute through various fields.

BRI through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities takes part in supporting the role of women through various empowerment programs that are able to promote the well-being of Indonesian women. One of them is through the organization of the BRiNita Program (BRI Farming in the City).

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In this program, BRI takes an important part by empowering communities, especially women by creating sustainable urban farming ecosystems, in densely populated urban areas, in order to take value, in social, economic, and environmental aspects. The BRiNita program has currently been implemented in 21 locations spread across different regions of Indonesia, most of which are managed by women's business groups.

“The target of this program is densely populated locations and slums that have local environmental activists (local heroes) who are members of groups (the PKK or Ibu Women). BRINita is not only the development of physical facilities, but also there is continuous training that is expected to maintain the sustainability of plants and the survival of the surrounding exosystem,” said Deputy President Director of BRI Catur Budi Harto, in a written statement, Monday (22/4/2024).

In its implementation, BRI also provides training for group members or beneficiaries in the form of training in urban farming management by collaborating with relevant experts/agencies as well as monitoring urban farming activities and developing urban farming results so as to add economic value such as sales, management, packaging and marketing.

“This activity is expected to reduce environmental pollution, increase cleanliness, and reduce household waste. On the other hand, it is also the embodiment of society's positive contribution to environmental balance,” said Catur.

Since its launch in 2022, the BRinITA program has run 49 trainings for beneficiaries, consisting of training in hydroponic cultivation, houseplant care, Eco Enzyme manufacturing, crop pest prevention and control and the use of hydroponic system tools.

The program was also recorded to have involved 615 people consisting of women business groups or PKK mothers and recorded that 348 Kg of fisheries such as catfish and tilapia mujaer were harvested. The program also produced 3,982 Kg of vegetative liquid organic fertilizer and compost, 80 kg of maggot (caterpillar) Black Soldier Fly (BSF) cultivated by group members as well as produced 112 types of medicinal plants of the family (Toga Plant) such as kencur, ginger, galangal, and so on.


Catur added that BRiNita is a women's empowerment program, to be able to take on a big role, not only in the family environment, but also work a lot in the social environment and wider society.

Ultimately, BrinITA can help women, to be able to continue to shine, be confident, and unyielding, in placing themselves as a part, of the importance of economic stewardship and pilot in the community environment.

“Just like Kartini's story as an inspiring female figure or figure, through the BRiNita BRI program encourages women in different regions of Indonesia to continue to work, be creative and strive. The BRiNita program is a platform for women to be able to channel their potential and creativity that can provide economic value,” he added.

In the BRinITA program, there are several potential programs that can be utilized by group members, including developing aquaponics, processing crops that can be used as food processing, developing agritourism that can collaborate with other stakeholders and the potential to develop product marketing networks.

“This is a positive container, of course, especially some training and empowerment programs in it that are expected to promote the well-being of women,” Chatur stressed.

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