Jumat 07 Jun 2024 19:40 WIB

Khofifah Confirms to Run Election with Emil Dardak

Khofifah and Emil have already bagged a six-party Recommendation Decree.

Rep: Bayu Adji P / Red: Fernan Rahadi
President-elect Prabowo Subianto (center) together with Khofifah Indar Parawansa (right) and Emil Elestianto Darkad (left) post a press statement at his residence, Kertanegara Street, South Jakarta, Friday (7/6/2024).
Foto: Republika/Bayu Aji P
President-elect Prabowo Subianto (center) together with Khofifah Indar Parawansa (right) and Emil Elestianto Darkad (left) post a press statement at his residence, Kertanegara Street, South Jakarta, Friday (7/6/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The candidate for governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa confirmed that he will run in the gubernatorial elections (pilgub) with Emil Elistianto Dardak, despite getting another name option from PDIP. The couple has obtained a decree of recommendation from six political parties to become the candidate for governor (cagub) and candidate for deputy governor (cawagub) of East Java.

Khofifah claimed to have met several times with PDIP Chairman Said Abdullah to communicate regarding the 2024 East Java election. However, in previous meetings there was no offer of a name to serve as his deputy governor. As a result, Khofifah decides to move forward with Emil.

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"Look, I've met Pak Said (Abdulah) twice, we're just talking about the election. He didn't even mention that there might be a problem. It was not discussed," he said in Jakarta, Saturday (7/6/2024).

He claimed to keep abreast of news developments in the media, which said PDIP prepared the name of candidate for deputy governor to accompany him. However, to the extent that there was no communication related to the issue it was with PDIP, especially with Said Abdullah.

According to Khofifah, he is now part of the Khofifah-Emil couple's package. Moreover, he and Emil have also bagged a decree of recommendation from six political parties to run in the Jatim elections.

"This is agreed. The recommendation from Gerindra was last September, but for today's package it was delivered. So also from Golkar, Democrats, and from PAN is also a package, PSI is also a package. PPP is Jatim, so this is already a package," he said.

Earlier, the couple visited the residence of Gerindra Party General Chairman Prabowo Subianto on Jalan Kertanegara, South Jakarta, on Friday afternoon. The couple's arrival was nothing but to accept the decree of recommendation to run in the Jatim election.

Prabowo claimed to be flattered by the arrival of the Khofifah-Emil couple to his residence. Because, the couple is an important political figure who will take part in the 2024 Jatim election. On that occasion, Prabowo also gave a decree of recommendation from the Gerindra Party for the couple to run in the Jatim election.

"We from Gerindra have decided to nominate and support Mrs Khofifah and Mas Emil to be governor and deputy governor of Jatim for the period to be held in the November election," he said during a press briefing at his residence on Friday afternoon.


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