Jumat 27 Sep 2024 23:44 WIB

Hasto Wardoyo Promises Build HR of Yogyakarta

The entire party read the declaration of peace.

Rep: Silvy Dian Setiawan/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Hasto Wardoyo
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Hasto Wardoyo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA — The candidate (paslon) number 2 of the Yogyakarta City Election, Hasto Wardoyo and Wawan Harmawan called the focus on human resource development (HR) if elected as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta.

“Remember, Yogya has no natural resources, so we will focus on building human resources. It is necessary to build a superior human being, physically and spiritually healthy, that is the condition,” Hasto said not long ago.

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Hasto said that with the sequence number 2, it is also easier to greet the people of Yogyakarta. Moreover, during his tenure as the Head of BKKBN, Hasto always thanked the two children enough while giving a two-finger greeting.

“I am grateful, happy everyone. Time at BKKBN, always promote two children enough. God knows that I am still like this. God willing the number for me merges with me, the number two a blessing for all. So it's easy to remember one opened, two voted, and three boxed inputs,”

Hasto said.

As is known, the General Election Commission (KPU) of the City of Yogyakarta has carried out the selection of the number of candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta on Monday (23/9/2024) evening. There are three candidate pairs (paslon) contesting in the 2024 Yogyakarta municipal election.

Sequence number 1 was obtained by paslon Heroe Poerwadi and Sri Widya Supena. Paslon Hasto Wardoyo and Wawan Hermawan got sequence number 2, and paslon Muhammad Afnan Hadikusumo and Singjik Raharjo got sequence number 3.

In the drawing of the sequential numbers, the declaration and signing of peaceful elections were also carried out. All parties from order 1 to number 3 are committed to conducting safe, peaceful, honest, and integrity elections.

Chairman of KPU Yogyakarta, Nur Harsya Samudra along with the entire delegation read the peace declaration. The essence of the peace declaration read is that Yogyakarta's election process goes forward without hoaxes, without politicization of SARA and without money politics, and to carry out campaigns based on the laws and regulations in force.

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