Ahad 29 Dec 2024 13:03 WIB

Kiai Maruf Amin Invites Indonesian Ulemas to Strengthen Political Movement Kiai Faces New Challenges

Kiai Ma'ruf stopped at the oldest boarding school lodge in Central Java Al-Ittihad.

KH Maruf Amin.
Foto: dokpri
KH Maruf Amin.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUDUS -- Closing 2024, KH Ma'ruf Amin held silaturahim and national speeches to Semarang, Kendal, and Kudus, Central Java, for four days from Wednesday, December 25, 2024 to Saturday, December 28, 2024.

This activity is carried out to strengthen the spirit and values of the nationality while building awareness of the kiai political movement. Previously, the national proclamation was also conducted in West Nusa Tenggara for three days.

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Kiai Ma'ruf hopes that this partnership can re-establish the connectivity and centrality of Kiai throughout Indonesia as a major force in nation development.

“The clerics and the kiai must play the role of determining the policy-making of the life of the people and the state. It must not be divided. Interclerical and kiai connectivity must be strengthened again,” Kiai Ma'ruf said at the Haul KH event Misbah in Semarang.

The first visit to Semarang, Kiai Ma'ruf stopped at the oldest boarding school in Central Java Al-Ittihad, which has scored many young kiai-kiai. The spirit of kiai-kiai nationality in Indonesia has also become something that needs to be fought back. In view of the current great challenge entering the post thruth period, it is the similarity between right and wrong. A global age that presents many distortions. If left uncorrected, repeated mistakes and left behind will be a justification.

“The task of ulama and kiai as warasatul anbiya is not easy, so there needs to be unity between kiai to close ranks,” Kiai Ma'ruf said.

With strong connectivity, kiai centrality will be established. Its mouth will form a common voice and a uniform fatwa to guide people and nations to the path of righteousness.

In addition to meeting people at Pondok Pesantren Al-Ittihad, Kiai Ma'ruf also attended the Plenary Meeting of Branch Administrators (PC) Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) of Semarang Regency, Central Java, as well as commemorating Mother's Day and announcing the new office. In addition, it attended a halaqoh with the Syuro Council of the Awakening Nation Party (PKB) Semarang and Halaqoh Dewan Syuro PKB DPC Kendal, Central Java. 

In halaqoh he conveyed the importance of rebuilding the kiai political movement. Because according to him, at present the spirit of religiosity in the political system of the Kiai people in Indonesia is weakening.

“Kiai's task is to give sibghah robbaniyyah, that is, the color of God. Through da'wah, education, including therein, directs national politics. The goal is to make this country a lil aalamin reverence in accordance with the teachings of Islam,” he said.

Kiai Ma'ruf also narrates that the beginning of the CLA was founded to be the crucible of the kiai political movement. That is, a politics that follows the kiai and is based on the manhajnya of kiai. Therefore, the role of kiai is very important in giving color to politics in Indonesia. Fight for the welfare of people, nations, and countries. Ranging from social, economic, stunting, health, to socio-cultural issues.

During that silaturim visit, Kiai Ma'ruf made a pilgrimage to several great figures. Like KH. Dimyati Rais, Habib Ja'far bin Muhammad al-Kaff, KHR. Asnawi, Nyai Hamdanah and of course Sunan Kudus. The Haul of KHR Asnawi Kudus became the cover of the agenda of the visit of the KH silaturahmi. Ma'ruf Amin in Central Java.

The important momentum recalls the services of the great figures of the Holy community. As well as one of the founders of NU who moved to lead the community to the right path, unite scholars, and fight for the life of Indonesians.

“The Haul of KHR Asnawi with the theme of Hubbul Wathan is not limited to slogans. But, it is a mandate for all of us to unite to maintain the mistaqul wathani (nationality agreement) by certainly committing jihan siyasiyah (political jihad) for the integrity, sovereignty, prosperity, and well-being of the nation and state. Kiai should be a fa'il (subject), not maf'ul bih (object) in determining the direction and policy of the nation we love,” Kiai Ma'ruf said.

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