Kamis , 17 Jun 2010, 02:54 WIB
Ahad , 28 Aug 2016, 21:14 WIB
Prof Dr Abdul Hadi WM: Buku 'Pasie Karam' Bukti Penulisan Puisi di Indonesia Sangat Subur
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEULABOH -- Perhelatan Temu Penyair Nusantara digelar di Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, Sabtu-Senin (27-29 Agustus 2016). Momentum Temu Penyair Nusantara itu antara lain diisi dengan peluncuran buku antologi "Pasie...
Selasa , 14 Jun 2016, 18:40 WIB
Setting agenda cornering Muslims must be addressed
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Sufism expert and Professor of Paramadina University Dr. Abdu Hadi called for Islamic scholars to voice out an action on the condition of Muslims today. According to him, there are conditions which are constantly seen trying to corner the Muslims as intolerant and outdated parties that must be addressed immediately."I feel and see what happens during...
Rabu , 19 Jun 2013, 13:53 WIB
Caraka Yasa Bantah Gelapkan Dana Jamsostek
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA -- Laporan dugaan penggelapan dana Jamsostek oleh PT...
Ahad , 24 Feb 2013, 09:06 WIB
The Stone Roses (Terus) Dipuja
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Dahaga penggila musik Brit Pop benar-benar...
Jumat , 23 Nov 2012, 13:04 WIB
Tiket The Stone Roses Mulai Dijual Pekan Depan
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Stone Roses akan menggelar konser...