Jumat , 12 Jul 2024, 23:45 WIB
In Picture: Cegah Abrasi, Pantai Tawang Dipasangi Beton Pemecah Gelombang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KENDAL -- Sejumlah warga berwisata menggunakan perahu dengan latar depan tumpukan beton pemecah gelombang laut (breakwater) di pantai Tawang, Gempol Sewu, Rowosari, Kendal, Jawa Tengah, Jumat (12/7/2024). Pemasangan beton pemecah...
Selasa , 09 Jul 2024, 10:27 WIB
Walhi: Climate Crisis Drops Villages on Java Island
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Global climate change caused the earth's temperature to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial revolution era and triggered climate disasters in Indonesia that are getting worse over time. The Environmental Wahana Organisation notes the impacts of climate change in Indonesia. According to WALHI's study, the climate crisis in coastal regions has resulted in the sinking...
Selasa , 09 Jul 2024, 09:08 WIB
Walhi: Krisis Iklim Tenggelamkan Desa-Desa di Pulau Jawa
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Perubahan iklim global membuat suhu bumi melebihi...