Rabu , 07 Dec 2016, 00:31 WIB
GNPF MUI to start next action

Sabtu , 03 Dec 2016, 13:52 WIB
Aksi 212 Bukti Kedewasaan Umat Islam

Sabtu , 03 Dec 2016, 13:23 WIB
MUI: Hadir di Aksi 212 Buktikan Presiden Peka Terhadap Aspirasi Umat Islam

Sabtu , 03 Dec 2016, 11:21 WIB
MUI Bogor: Umat Islam Sedang Sedih

Sabtu , 03 Dec 2016, 10:58 WIB
Tertib Meski Sangat Massif, Aksi 212 Tunjukkan Kualitas Umat

Sabtu , 03 Dec 2016, 10:36 WIB
Massa Aksi 212 Disebut Hanya Buih, Kiai Ma'ruf: Itu Provokasi

Jumat , 02 Dec 2016, 22:44 WIB
President hails idea of national dialogue: Ma'ruf Amin

Jumat , 02 Dec 2016, 22:37 WIB
President Jokowi has Friday prayer with mass of 212 rally

Jumat , 02 Dec 2016, 22:11 WIB
'212 rally is the most massive Friday prayer in the history'

Jumat , 02 Dec 2016, 00:23 WIB
BMKG predicts Monas area will be cloudy in Friday morning

Jumat , 02 Dec 2016, 00:18 WIB
U.S., Singapore Embassy issue security message ahead of 212 rally

Jumat , 02 Dec 2016, 00:10 WIB
Jakarta Police ready to secure 212 rally

Hidayat Nur Wahid suggests President Jokowi to have Friday prayer at Monas
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - Vice Chairman People's Consultative Assembly Hidayat Nur Wahid sugessted President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to have Friday prayer in National Monument (Monas) on December 2. "If the President is willing, he could have Friday prayer with the mass of 212 rally," he said in a press conference at the People's Consultative Assembly Building on Thursday. According to Hidayat,...

Kamis , 01 Dec 2016, 01:11 WIB
Aher appreciates determination of Ciamis mass who walk to join 212 rally

Kamis , 01 Dec 2016, 00:33 WIB
Jusuf Kalla invites world's CEO to witness 212 rally

Rabu , 30 Nov 2016, 23:58 WIB
In Picture: Peserta Longmarch Aksi Bela Islam III Beristirahat di Bandung

Rabu , 30 Nov 2016, 02:28 WIB
Today, Attorney General Researcher to disclose statement on Ahok case

Rabu , 30 Nov 2016, 01:32 WIB
Ahead of 212 rally, ten thousand people walk from Ciamis to Jakarta

Selasa , 29 Nov 2016, 09:22 WIB
GNPF MUI, police to form joint technical team of 212 rally

Sabtu , 26 Nov 2016, 17:48 WIB
HMI Nilai Isu Makar Hanya Penggembosan Aksi 212

Jumat , 25 Nov 2016, 01:09 WIB
1.347 Personel Polda Riau-Korem Wira Bima Siap Kawal Aksi Lokal 212

Kamis , 24 Nov 2016, 00:01 WIB
To stage "Aksi 212", GNPF MUI asks police to respect constitution

Rabu , 23 Nov 2016, 17:00 WIB
Jakarta Metro Police Chief edicts contain threat to democracy: LBH Jakarta

Rabu , 23 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Defense Minister: No report yet on plot against government

Selasa , 22 Nov 2016, 19:00 WIB
Jakarta police issues notice on planned rallies

Selasa , 22 Nov 2016, 18:10 WIB
GNPF leaders clarify December 2 rally to MUI

Trying to muted discourse of Dec 2 rally, Observer: Government is panic
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister of Defense Wiranto invited religious leaders to his office on Monday. During the end of the meeting, he played a clip from 1998's riot. He asked his guests to made a reflection and prevented it from re-occurring. Wiranto said the 1998' riot was a setback, a national disorder. During the time, people did not...
Selasa , 22 Nov 2016, 00:01 WIB