Jumat , 15 Nov 2024, 00:55 WIB
Makin Inklusif, Pasar Modal Jadi Ladang Cuan Investor Ritel
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Humam (40 tahun) berjalan keluar dari kantor salah satu kantor cabang bank milik pemerintah di kawasan Jakarta Selatan. Ia baru saja mengajukan pelunasan sebagian pokok atas kredit...
Jumat , 07 Jun 2024, 17:17 WIB
OJK Says There Is Plenty of Room to Accelerate Indonesia's Sharia Capital Market
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of the Department of Supervision of Investment Management and Capital Markets Regional Capital Markets of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Edy Broto Suwarno stated that many spaces could be optimized to accelerate the growth of the sharia capital market in Indonesia. Based on the results of the 2022 National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK),...
Jumat , 07 Jun 2024, 09:30 WIB
OJK Sebut Banyak Ruang Akselerasi Pasar Modal Syariah Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Kepala Departemen Pengawasan Pengelolaan Investasi dan Pasar Modal...