Jumat , 22 Jun 2018, 03:55 WIB
Vote for religious leaders: Ustaz Abdul Somad
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG -- Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) delivered his lecture in front of thousands of Padang residents in Masjid Raya West Sumatra on Thursday (June 21). In a grand...
Selasa , 24 Apr 2018, 20:21 WIB
Abdul Hadi calls antipolitization of mosque as Hurgronje way
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sufism expert and professor at Paramadina University, Abdul Hadi WM said the call from a group that called themselves as mosque anti-politization could be interpreted by a group of Muslims as a call for political prohibition for Muslims. He said mosque was not only a house of worship for Muslims, but also a place of deliberation...
Selasa , 24 Apr 2018, 19:21 WIB
People may question about mosque politicization: HNW
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) deputy chairman...