Kapolda Jawa Barat Irjen Anton Charliyan

Mutasi di Tubuh Polri, Kapolda Jabar Diganti

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA  -- Kapolri Jenderal Tito Karnavian melakukan rotasi jabatan terhadap sejumlah perwira tinggi (pati) dan perwira menengah (pamen) Polri. Kabar itu dikerahui melalui Surat Telegram Kapolri Nomor ST/2032/VIII/2017 tertanggal 25 Agustus 2017. Salah satu pati yang terkena rotasi adalah Kapolda Jawa Barat (Jabar) Irjen Anton Charliyan. Mantan kadiv Humas Mabes Polri itu dipindahkan menjadi Wakalemdiklat Polri. Kepala Bagian Penerangan Umum...

Deputy Chairman of Commission VII House of Representatives, Sodik Mudjahid.

West Java Police ask GMBI to counterbalance FPI mass: Sodik Mudjahid

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID -- The members of parliament from Gerindra fraction, Sodik Mudjahid, has revealed some facts showed that West Java Police were unfair and defend one of the parties due to the incident in Bandung and some city in West Java.  According to Sodik, the West Java Police Chief invited several organizations to ask the masses to confront with the FPI...